Chapter 2

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

"You two be careful, okay? And you let us know if you need anything." Mama said to both Chloe and I as she hugged us for the umpteenth time that morning. "And you keep those boys in line girls! No one is good enough for you unless they can bake!" Papa said smiling at us with tearful eyes. "We're going to miss you guys so much!" I said as I hugged my parents for what felt like the last time. Our apartment was already leased in Gotham, which meant that as soon as the trip was over Chloe and I could start our new lives in Gotham. "Don't worry Mrs & Mnr Dupain-Cheng. I'll keep her safe." Chloe said with confidence as she hugged my parents goodbye. I knew she meant every word to keep me safe, but sometimes she forgets that I'm also going to keep her safe. 

My parents smiled at us before pulling us in for another hug. Chloe's limo driver opened the limo door in a silent message for us to get in. As we got in we waved at my parents before getting settled while we drove to the airport. "You okay Bug?" Chloe asked wiping a tear away. "We'll see them again Queenie. Once we're settled they'll visit us nonstop, okay?" I said wrapping my arm around my best friend in comfort. She truly loved my parents like her own. It was rare to see Chloe this vulnerable so I knew she needed this comfort more than I did right now. I tried reminding her about all the new and fun things we'd do in  Gotham, and how exciting it would be to live in our own flat. Before I knew it, we were at the airport. I thanked the driver as we got out of the limo while Chloe got our luggage.

As we neared the doors we could already hear a commotion inside. 'Great. Just bloody great.' I thought to myself before turning to Chloe who already schooled herself into her 'bitch-persona' as I like to call it. "Come on Mari. Let's go see what we're being blamed for now." Chloe said, sounding bored and ready to be over with whatever was happening inside. To be fair, we have had almost two years' worth of experience in this field. I was about to walk through the doors when my phone suddenly vibrated in my purse. I pulled my phone out while motioning for Chloe to go ahead. She just gave me a look before walking through the door as I answered my phone. 

"You didn't think we wouldn't say goodbye, did you Melody?" "Luka!" I smiled into my phone hearing my self-proclaimed brother's voice. "Mari-hime I truly wish I could come with you, but Mother has other plans for me." Kagami sighed into the phone. "Hey! Give me back my phone Gami. Your hording Melody!" I giggle hearing the couple bicker. Luka and Kagami got together about 10 months ago. No one saw it coming, but honestly, I've never seen them so happy. They completed each other. Before they got together they became my self-proclaimed older brother and sister and took it upon themselves to protect both me and Chloe with their KILL all inferior lovers rule (Gami made it up since she has a katana and no one was brave enough to try and change the rule. Again, she has a katana!). 

Sometimes I pity any boy Chloe or I introduce to them in the future, since they have to get through two ex-heroes and Papa, but first we need to get to the future.  "I'm going to miss you two so much! But you do know you can call me and Queenie whenever you want right? Plus you're joining us in Gotham at the end of the year." I said trying to calm them down. "We know Mari-hime but five months is a long time. Especially to Luka who is already a crying mess, mumbling things about boys and kisses." Gami giggled into the phone only for me to suddenly hear faint snuffling. "She's right Melody! Don't let any boy kiss you or Chloe until we give the green light. Their songs may be wrong for you!" Luka wailed overly dramatic into the phone sounding almost on the verge of a panic attack at the mere idea of us dating. 

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