Chapter 5

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Damian Prov

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Damian Prov.

Today has not been enjoyable. Firstly I overslept, which is not normal in the slightest. For some untold reason, Todd decided that the most efficient way of waking me was by throwing me with a bucket full of ice water. This naturally led to me seeking retribution in the form of stab wounds. Alfred was not impressed and thus confiscated my katana for a week. Once I was sufficiently dressed for school, I headed to breakfast only to walk into a food fight the imbeciles started. Grayson took it upon himself to make me his target, thus resulting in my need to change my wardrobe for the second this that morning. 

This, of course, made me late for class. If you think for one moment that my day looked up from there, you are mistaken. I now had to deal with the harlots of Gotham Academy. Of course, my icey glare scared them off, as it did with everyone in this city. I'm not known as the Ice Prince of Gotham for nothing. It was safe to say that by the end of the school day, I was itching for a fight. Anything that promoted physical violence to get this irritation at bay. Deciding it would be more beneficial to destroy the punching bags in the training room at home than cause a possible lawsuit for father, I drove home like a madman. I was halfway home when my phone rang with an atrocious noise.

'Drake' I thought instantly realising he hacked my phone to change my ringtone. Again. Pulling over, I answered the phone. "What do you want Grayson?" I asked in clear annoyance. "Little D, we ran out of snacks for game night. Can you pick up some before coming home? Great! See you soon." Before I could even utter a word of response he hung up on me. 'Fucking imbeciles! How did they get through three months' worth of snacks?!' Punching the steering wheel of my car once, I drove back into town. 'Maybe some petty criminal could substitute for a punching bag'  I thought bitterly as I headed to our local snack shop.

- Time skip brought to you by Tikki eating cookies -

I had just finished loading the last of the imbeciles' snacks into the car for our weekly 'family game night', otherwise known as the bragging of the imbeciles' lives, when I spotted a jittery man glancing at me. 'Good. Looks like a petty thief. New to this. Sturdy build. He'll make a sufficient punching bag.' Locking my car I started to walk to a nearby alley. The pathetic criminal followed. 'He doesn't even realize he fell into my trap' I thought almost joyfully as I made my way further into the alley. After I was a sufficient distance away from the rest of immediate society, I turned waiting for my punching bag. 'Tt. I'm starting to act like Todd.' I scolded myself. 

After 5 minutes the punching bag appeared and pulled out a knife. 'Does he really think that is going to scare me?'  "Give me your wallet and no one gets hurt." Punching bag said. 'He doesn't even sound terrifying. This isn't even worth my time anymore.' I looked him straight in the eye before growling "Tt. No." He looked startled by my lack of fear. I smiled slightly getting ready to have some fun, when a sudden blur caught my eye. 'Was I followed by another assailant? Doesn't matter. More fun for me.'

I turned back to my first punching bag expecting him to attack when the second assailant jumped from the shadows. They knocked the knife out of the punching bag's hand, quickly following the action with a swift kick to the abdomen. When the punching bag bent over they brought their knee up and successfully neutralized the punching bag. ' Impressive. Wait, what?' Before I could finish my own thoughts, I got a good look at the second assailant.

It was a girl. No, a woman. She had blue-black hair that flowed down her shoulders. She was at least a head, if not two heads, shorter than me. I suddenly got the overwhelming feeling to protect her. 'No. You are Damian Al Ghul Wayne. You are a killer, you're Robin and the only people you protect are your idiotic family. Not some tiny ...' My eyes met hers and all my thoughts stopped dead. Emerald stared into bluebell and I was lost. Or was I found?

Her eyes held such innocence and understanding that it took my breath away. The longer I stared at them the more I saw. It was like my whole life was grey and she finally brought color into it. Her eyes held such comfort and mystery I wondered if she was an angel. My personal angel. But then I saw the hidden pain and suffering in her eyes and I wanted to destroy whatever it was that caused her to feel that way. ' I want to protect you...'  I thought to myself. 'Wait, what! No! She's a stranger. Plus I'm better off alone. I don't need some midget ... a cute angelic midget... to save my ass! But you did like it when she fought that guy for you. I did not!' Mentally doing a double take I shake my head. 'Great. Five minutes with her and I'm talking to myself. Way to go Wayne.' I mentally scold myself.

I suddenly felt fingers in my hair in a ... comforting... manner? 'Why would she comfort me? Wait!!' Snapping out of my own mind, I focused on my surroundings. I was in what looked like a café. 'How did I get here? We were in an alley. Where is she?' I shot to my feet and turned around. I surveyed each person in the café before sitting down heavily. ' She's not here. Where did she go?' I was once again brought out of my thoughts when someone cleared their throat in front of me. I looked up to see a terrified waitress with a glass of what looked like Coke in her hand. 

"How did I get here? Speak." I snapped at her. She started to visibly shake before answering my question. "The young lady brought you inside Mr. Wayne. She said you were in shock and instructed me to give you this before she ran out again." The waitress said holding the glass out to me. "Tt. Did you see where she went?" " No, Mr. Wayne." She placed the glass on the table in front of me and practically ran to the back of the café. 'I need to find her. She could be a threat. Or she could be your salvation. Like I need salvation.' Shaking my head I stood and walked out of the café. ' I'm definitely going crazy!' I thought bitterly as I made my way back to my car and home. The whole drive her bluebell eyes haunted me and the strange voice in my head almost purred at the thought of her.

 The whole drive her bluebell eyes haunted me and the strange voice in my head almost purred at the thought of her

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