Chapter 39

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"BLUEBERRY?!"     "PIXIE?!"     "MARI!"

'Reinforcement finally arrived.' I thought as the bedroom door burst open and three pairs of arms surrounded me in a tight hug. "You're late." I tell them with a giggle as Damian glares at the males hugging me like I would disappear if they released me.

Marinette Prov.

"Umm, guys? You wanna let me go now?" I ask after being squished for a solid 5 minutes. Glancing over at Damian hesitantly to beg for help, I instantly regret it. There, barely out of arms reach stood my boyfriend (well husband now) with a dark aura around him, clutching his katana in a death grip. 'Welllll then. RIP to the bat-boys. May you not be maimed and fed to my husband's pets.' I think with a silent prayer as the dark aura around Damian intensifies.

"Get your hands off of Melody. NOW." / "I shall proceed to remove the offending limbs Hime." / "Wife? Who the fuck did you just call wife?"

'And now the whole rescue squad is here. Lucky me. How, o how will this end? I know! With everyone dead.' I sarcastically cheer as I watch everyone with a blank face now. "Guys? Can everyone please calm down and maybe let me go?" I ask in a vain hope that this situation won't escalate more, only to be flat-out ignored. Gggrrreeeaaattt.

"What is going on here?" The voice of the one and only Bruce Wayne thunders through the room, causing everyone to pause and turn toward him. 'Huh. He's here as Batman. Wait a minute. They're all dressed in their bat gear. SO this just turned into a face-off between the Bat fam and the Miraculous Squad. Speaking of ... they really need me to design them some better outfits or at least new-er outfits. The ones they're wearing are extremely outdated and I've already spotted 5 ... no, 10 horrible patch-up jobs.' I mentally ramble, still in my hug prison.

"Beloved. I am so happy that you can be here. Shall we go and become ... reacquainted." Bitch-in-law purrs making me cringe. "Umm, hello?! Are you out of your mind?! He's engaged you shallow, unfashionable bitch!" I yell, officially done with her and this situation. 'I just want to go home and sleep now. There goes my stress level.' I think before doing the one thing I know will get me out of here ... I snapped. 

Releasing my own dark aura (sufficiently scaring everyone in the entire room shitless), I turn to each of the bat boys. "Release." I demand in an icy tone, making all three of them instantly release me before hiding behind Batman.

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