Chapter 14

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

"Mari, you need to get up! We are going to be late!" Chloe said while tugging at my soft blankets. "Noooooo. Let me sleep." I whine snuggling more into my pillows. "Okay, fine." Chloe retorts with a huff. Smirking into my pillow, I wait for sleep to embrace me again when suddenly I'm on the floor. Blinking slowly, I turn to Chloe who is laughing hysterically on my bed. 'She pushed me off the bed. Okay then. Revenge it is.' I thought as I sneaked past the laughing girl into the bathroom. Just as Chloe starts to come down from her laughing high, I throw a glass of cold water at her. 

"Eek! MARI! You are so dead!" Chloe screams before grabbing my pillow and running at me. I dive towards her bed, grabbing her pillow just as she brought it down on me. "Pillow fight!" Tikki screams ducking away while Chloe and I continue our pillow war. After about 20 minutes of pillow war which resulted in a tie, Chloe and I started to get ready for the next exciting part of our tour. Gotham Academy!!

(Clothes are worn for the tour of Gotham Academy. You may choose who wears what.)

- Time ship brought to you from Riddler's riddles -

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- Time ship brought to you from Riddler's riddles -

Chloe and I stood outside Gotham Academy in complete amazement. The school itself was breathtaking and we were going to attend this architecture of heaven in a few months. "Chlo, are you sure I'm awake?" I whisper to her, not taking my eyes off the building. Suddenly pain erupts on my side and I jump a little. I turn to Chloe with a glare, "Was pinching me really necessary? You could have just answered." I tell Chloe while rubbing my side. "Would you have believed me?" Chloe retorts with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright class. Please gather close to me and Mme. Bustier. You will all be sorted into different classes for the day. This will help all of you learn the layout of the school before you start to attend next week. I remind you that while you are at this school, you are to abide by the rules of this school. After the school day, we will go to the school clothing store to pick up your complimentary uniform." Our new tour guide (Thank you Richard!) said in both English and French with a smile. 

"That means, don't disappear after school and stay on the school premises. Anyone who doesn't listen will be on the next flight back to Paris." Mme. Bustier said while glaring at Chloe and me. We just roll our eyes and start following the tour guide as she sorts us into different classes while Mme Bustier walks towards the faculty room. After about 10 minutes only Chloe and I are left. "This is your class for the day girls. I was informed that you both will be joining Gotham Academy for your senior year and advanced classes, thus you will be with this senior class. Enjoy! If you need anything just ask a teacher or come find me in the faculty room." Our tour guide explained to us before leaving toward the faculty room as well. 

"We can do this Bug. Right?" Chloe asks looking nervously at the door. "Yes, we can. We're together and no sheep in sight. We'll be okay." I comfort her while giving her a side hug. Breathing in and out once to calm my nerves, I open the door and walk into the class with Chloe right behind me.

"Good morning Sir. I'm terribly sorry to disturb the class. We are from the French tour group and were assigned to this class." I explained to the teacher who turned to the door ready to scold any latecomers. "Hmm, I see. I was informed of you both. Take a seat. I just finished attendance." The teacher stated motioning towards the class. "Thank you, Sir." I said as we turned to find open seats. My eyes swept over the class before they landed on... him. 

Bluebell met emerald for a second time. He was even more handsome than I remember. His lips were in a smirk that promised earth-shattering kisses, his hair slightly spiked but still looked just as fluffy, and his eyes. Lord, his eyes! They were darker than last time but still just as beautiful. They showed slight confusion and then recognition. "You." was the only sound that traveled passed his perfect lips as he stood from his seat. 'I know I shouldn't but heavenly hell! If it wasn't for Chloe, I'm sure I would have been a puddle!' I mentally swoon.

The class was silent, even the teacher, as we stared at each other. Suddenly filled with a wave of shyness and embarrassment, I look down at my shoes before looking up slightly. "Hi, again." I whisper with a slight wave. "You know him?" Chloe asked now slightly in front of me, snapping both of us out of our daze. "Umm, ..." I start saying, trying to think how to form an answer when he cuts in, "Tt. No. We do not." He said while lowering himself back into his seat, a cold look in his eyes and face set in steel. 

Chloe just glares at him, while I look down again. "Please take a seat you two." The teacher finally said. Unfortunately, or fortunately for me, the only two seats open in the class were next to the Greek god. I breathed out again before I made my way towards the seat next to him, while Chloe sat next to me. 'How can one person be this sinfully perfect! No. No. We are not having a repeat of the Adrian fiasco. Plus he probably doesn't want anything to do with me. Most guys are embarrassed when a girl saves them, so he's probably going to ignore you.' I thought as I tried to steal my heart and focus on what the teacher was saying. 

"Tt. Damian." I turn to the Greek god who's looking at me, holding out his hand. "Marinette. It's a pleasure to meet you, Damian." I say taking his hand, unaware that the whole class was gaping at us. Instantly sparks run up my arm. He pulled away quickly as if my hand burned him. Letting my hand fall back into my lap already missing the contact, I turn back to the teacher. "Thank you." Damian whispers before focusing on the teacher as he starts the lesson. 'Maybe this won't end badly...' I thought before I also focused on the lesson. 'Maby, just maby...'


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