Chapter 4

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

We were stuck in traffic for the last 15 minutes now and everyone was starting to get annoyed. I looked out the window again and saw a beautiful park with blooming flowers. Pulling my phone out again I googled our location and noticed that our hotel was only 20 minutes away on foot. Showing my phone to Chloe she nodded and I walked up to Mme. Bustier. "What is it Marinette?" Mme Bustier asked with a sharp tone. I decided to ignore her tone and said in a whisper "We are currently here at this park ma'am." I pointed out the window before showing her my phone "The hotel is only 20 minutes away on foot. We could all relax at the park while the bus goes to the hotel. We can then meet up with the bus driver there in 30 minutes to get our bags and settle in." 

Mme Bustier looked visibly relieved at the idea and motioned for me to explain it to the bus driver. When he nodded his approval to my idea, I went back to my seat waiting for Mme Bustier to tell the class. After about two minutes Mme Bustier stood and turned to the class. "Class, we are going to take a little detour before heading to our hotel. This is a good way to get some fresh air while getting to know the city. Now, please exit the bus and head to the park on our left across the road. Please be careful of the other vehicles while making your way to the park." The whole class seemed relieved by the news and eagerly followed Mme Bustier to the park.

- Time skip brought to you by the Bat Glare -

I was right! This park was beautiful. "Hey, Queenie? Do you think this is one of Poison Ivy's gardens?" I asked Chloe as we wandered around all the different species of flowers. I was admiring a beautiful purple flower waiting for Chloe to answer only to notice that she was lost in a patch of yellow flowers. I could have sworn I saw Pollen floating close to Chloe, but when I blinked she was gone. Suddenly I felt a chill run down my spine and the hair at the back of my neck stood up. Something was wrong, my instincts were screaming. Going into my Ladybug mode I slowly stood and observed my surroundings. Turning my head slightly to the right, away from the park, I spotted someone turning into an alley. 

Barely a second passed when another person walked into the same alley. My instincts told me to follow, screaming that I needed to help him. Without a second thought, I ran into the alley after them, silently praying that I would make it before anyone got hurt. I rounded a corner in the alley when I noticed the two men again. They seemed to be facing each other. Luckily they didn't notice me yet, which was perfect for me to do a surprise attack. I crept closer to the guy closest to me. As I neared I saw the glint of a knife in the man's hand. 'Not good.' I thought as he started to hold it threateningly at the other man. 'Criminal. Doesn't seem to know how to actually do a robbery properly. Petty thief, then.' I assessed from the shadows.

"Give me your wallet and no one gets hurt!" Petty thief said with a shaky voice taking a threatening step forward. "Tt. No." the other man said. 'Idiot' I concluded. In my experience, there was nothing more dangerous than a desperate man, so before the thief could take another step I launched myself at him. With the element of surprise on my side I was able to knock the knife out of his hand. I followed with a swift kick into his abdomen. When he bent over in pain I brought my knee up, slamming it into his face, successfully knocking him out. After making sure that the thief was down for the count, I turned to the idiot. 

Bluebell met emerald and I was lost in his eyes. They were breathtaking. They held mystery, danger, and pain but at the same time they promised compassion and kindness. It was like running in a forest with a full moon above me or staring at green crystals under clear water. I suddenly felt a nudge on my leg which successfully brought me back into reality. Realizing that I was openly staring at him, I schooled myself to seem harmless and took one small slow step forward. "Excuse me Monsieur. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked in my Ladybug voice, hoping to reassure him that all was well now. He just stared at me. I took another step forward and he still just stared at me. 'Okay. He's in shock.' Before I could say anything else, I heard a low groan behind me. 'Not good. I need to get him to safety.'

Thinking quickly I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the alley and back to the park. As I entered the park again I saw a café across the street with people inside. 'That should do.' I tugged his hand and led him to the café. I look over my shoulder at him to see if he was okay only to be met with his stare again. 'I wonder if that was his first experience being almost mugged.' I thought as I opened the café door. I released the breath I was holding and turned to him again. He was still frozen and he was STILL staring at me. 'Poor soul.' I thought sympathetically. "Um, Monsieur? You're safe you now. Are you okay?" I asked kindly, hoping he would come out of his frozen state. 

No luck. Shaking my head I pulled him to an empty table and gently pushed him into a chair. He was still staring at me and I found myself getting lost in his emerald eyes again. 'Focus Marinette! Now is not the time!" I mentally scolded myself. Waving down a waitress I felt my phone buzz in my bag. Deciding to ignore it for now, I turned to the waiter. She looked a little pale when she saw him and kept doing a double take. 'Strange.' I thought when I felt my phone buzz again. Deciding to ignore my phone again, I asked the waiter for a sugar-filled drink. As she left I turned back to the man in shock. 'How is he still in shock? Maybe he's hurt.' Deciding to try and talk to him again, I asked in my softest voice possible so that I don't scare him "Um, Monsieur? Can you hear me? You're safe now. Are you hurt anywhere?" Nothing. He just kept staring at me.

I felt my phone buzz again and decided to answer it this time. Pulling the phone to my ear, I almost went deaf at the scream that followed. "Fucking finally! Mari, are you okay?! Where are you?!" Chloe asked or rather screamed into my ear. Not taking my eyes off the man in front of me I answered almost in a monotone "I'm fine Queenie. Just ran into a bit of a situation with a Greek god. What's wrong?" "What situation? Greek god? Mari what the actual fuck happened?!? You know what, never mind. The sheep are leaving and Mme Bustier isn't listening to me. You need to get back to the park now before they..." Chloe's panicked voice cut off. I pulled my phone from my ear to see what happened, only to be met with a black screen.

'Shit! My phone died. Oh, Kwami! Why?!' "Here you go, ma'am." The fearful voice of the waitress brought me into action. I quickly pulled a few notes out of my purse, placing them in her hand. "This should cover the drink. Now I need you to listen to me." I said in my Ladybug voice demanding her attention. "This gentleman is in shock. Try and get him to drink that or wait for him to come around then make him drink it. Either way keep an eye on him, please. I have to go." I turned away from her shocked face to face him again. Before I could stop myself I brushed my fingers through his hair in an almost petting manner. "I have to go now Monsieur. I hope your day looks up." I said softly to him before rushing out of the café back to the park.

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