Chapter 16

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Marinette turned to face the bane of her existence, Lei-la Rossie and her loyal sheep Alya, with a bored expression having slipped into her bitch-persona in 0.5 seconds. "What do you want, Lei-la?" Chloe asked with ice in her eyes and venom lacing each word next to her having upped her bitch-persona with their approach. The entire cafeteria fell silent as the temperature dropped 10 degrees from the sudden chill surrounding both girls. Damian, who was utterly baffled by the sudden change in his Angel en the demon that followed her, tensed instantly ready for a fight but chose to observe before taking action.

"You weren't in class... I was ... I was only worried about you since you keep disappearing to do unsavory ... activities. I'm sorry!" Lei-la said loudly, bursting into a round of sobbs drawing the entire Fench class's attention along with the already observing cafeteria students. "Marinette! What have you done now?" demanded Adrien as he made his way towards the table, eyes clouded in what looked to be fury as he pulled Lei-la into his side. "Oh, Adrien. I was only trying to find out where they were when they started to glare at me." Sobbed Lei-la as she draped herself onto Adrian.

Throughout the entire scene, Chloe and I just rolled our eyes before leaning back into our chairs, completely used to this dramatic display of isolating us since they did this exact stunt two years ago back in Paris. "We were in class unless your memory has become worse than a fish's. You know, like the tour guide told us this morning? You really should go see a doctor if you can't even remember instructions given like 4 hours ago." Chloe boldly stated, crossing her arms over her chest with a cheeky smile. "What? How.." Lei-la stuttered, looking exactly like a fish as she kept opening and closing her mouth. "You are the ones interrupting our lunch while calling me names. So get on with your 5 minutes of desperate fame so that we can eat with our new friend." I added, done with their charades in trying to isolate us and bringing us down.

"Why you self-absorbed slut! How could you be so rude to Lei-la! You are a thief and a liar and you know what, you should just throw yourself off a building. The entire world would be grateful that you're not here anymore! Lei-la worked hard to get us this trip and you've been taking all the credit for it just so that you could spread your..." Alya screamed at me before grabbing the front of my shirt to pull me towards her waiting fist.

I quickly closed my eyes, waiting for the hit, having been in too much of a frozen shock at the words Alya screamed at me to register that I was about to be hit, again. Only the hit never came, slowly I opened my eyes to see a pale, wide-eyed Alya staring at something next to me. Slowly I turned my eyes to the right, only to see the glint of a knife... no, not a knife, a katana, being held dangerously close to Alya's throat. Baffeled I followed the sword to its owner, only to see Damian's ice-cold eyes that promised a slow, painful death focused solely on Alya.

Sparks suddenly shot up my side as I felt a strong, surprisingly muscular arm circle my waist. "Release her. Now." Damian growled from my right as he stared down Alya with nothing but hate. I felt Alya's grip tighten on my shirt, making me flinch from the uncomfortable position I was being held in. Damian only brought his katana closer to her throat with a deep treating growl. Finally snapping out of my own shock and gripping onto my years as Ladybug and fighting experience, I grabbed Alya's wrist in an iron grip before pushing her away with a hard shove, successfully realizing me from her grip. Barely a second later Damian had me tucked into his side, slightly behind him, katana at the ready and promising death to anyone who came close to us. 

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