Chapter 30

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No One Prov

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No One Prov.

"Morning Blondie!" Dick happily shouted as he took his seat at the dining room table, hungrily eyeing the huge sugar cereal bowl in his hands. "Too early for your happiness. Be normal!" Chloe chastises, sipping a steaming cup of coffee with narrow eyes. "I hate morning people." Jason grumbled as he took his seat at the table a few seconds later. "Hey, Brat! Get me a cup of coffee." Jason growled at Chloe before promptly falling asleep where he sat. "He's worse than Mari." Chloe grumbled making Dick and Tim, who just walked into the dining room, laugh while she looked at the time on her phone. 

"Speaking of, where is Blueberry?" Dick asked, scooping more cereal into his mouth like a starved man. "First, eat like a proper human being Caveman. Second, I am not waking up that demon until the last possible moment. Thirdly, Tim were you able to get more information on the lawsuits?" Chloe listed off, typing away on her phone before looking at both males with a raised eyebrow. 

"Too much talking. Shh." Jason grumbled, sending all three a glare before closing his eyes again. "Ignoring the human version of a sloth. Answers, now." Chloe demanded, lifting her cup to her lips once more only to notice that she was out of coffee. Scowling at the cup, Chloe looked back at the two awake Wayne males waiting for an answer. "First, what did that cup do to deserve that glare?" Dick mockingly started, only to duck when Chloe threw the cup at his head with an annoyed glare. 

"Easy tiger. No need for murder before the day even begins." Tim mumbled, placing a new cup of coffee in front of Chloe, and a cup of something dark in front of Jason causing the sleeping humanoid to open his eyes slowly, as he took his seat (which no one noticed he got up from) again with a ginormous coffee cup in his hands. 

"Ignoring Alfred-in-training, Ouch!" Dick whined before laughing awkwardly when three glares focused on him. "Morning people." Jason grumbled making Chloe and Tim silently nod along in agreement, taking a sip of his weird substance and looking slightly more awake. "To answer your question, Chloe, I will be speaking with the lawyers today. I will add everything that happened last week and everything you've told us to strengthen the case. Are you sure the contacts you gave me will be willing to help us?" Tim said, making Chloe focus on him solely. 

"Tt. You're awake. Must you breathe this early in the morning?" Damian snarked from the door, looking around the room. "Where is Angel? We need to leave for school in 10 minutes." "Your one to speak, mutt." Chloe immediately retaliated with a mocking smirk. "Master Damian is correct. I will go wake Miss Marinette." Alfred announced as he appeared in the room, placing a to-go cup next to Chloe. "Hang on, Alfred. You don't want to get anywhere near her when she's waking up. Take my word for it. The last time I woke her up on a Monday, she almost dislocated my shoulder in her sleep. Just wait." Chloe quickly said, making everyone look at her weirdly. 

Looking at the time again, Chloe sighed before picking up two bags and the to-go cup. With a nod to herself, she moved to the door. "Three, two, one..." Chloe counted down with a smile before a crash was heard throughout the house. "What the...?" Jason said, moving toward the stairs, only to be nearly flattened by a tiny bluenette. "I'm late! Chloe, why didn't you wake me up? O, Kwami! I'm late!" Marinette rambled, tripping over her own feet before stopping suddenly and looking down at her PJs. "AAAAA!" Marinette screamed, running back up the stairs where more crashing was heard along with a few colorful curses.

Jason, Dick, and Tim looked at Chloe amused before laughing loudly when Marinette came back downstairs, now dressed in a Gotham Acadamy uniform that Barbara picked up for the girls but without shoes. "Shoes Angle." Damian reminded with a smirk and amused eyes as he watched the girl he was falling for running around like a crazy person. "NOOOO!" Marinette screamed again, dashing up the stairs again, nearly toppling Bruce who was walking down the stairs. "Is she alright?" Bruce asked his sons with a raised eyebrow only to jump, correction... gracefully turn, when Marinette cursed from behind him having appeared on the stairs again in a blink of an eye. The sight before them made everyone chuckle as Marinette came back down the stairs, half hopping on one leg as she tried to tie her shoes.

"Fuck! School bag!" Marinette cursed loudly already turning to run back up to her room, making Jason laugh hysterically while the Wayne females appeared sleepily at the top of the stairs from all the noise. "What's going on?" Stephanie asked, hiding a jawn with one hand. "Mari, relax. I have your..." Chloe said, trying to calm a rushing Marinette who was already halfway up the stairs. "Bag, bag, bag, bag ,bag..." Marinette ranted, speeding up more while ignoring everyone. "Mari!" Chloe tried again, only for Marinette to ignore her again and disappear back to her room.

Barely a second later they all heard Marinette scream before she appeared at the top of the stairs again with a frantic look. "CHLOE! I can't find my school bag! And we're late!" Marinette screamed, rushing down the stairs to grab Chloe by her shoulders and lightly shake her. "I have your bag, Mari. We still have a few minutes before we need to leave." Chloe reassured, trying to calm a frantic, half-asleep Marinette. 

"Oh, no! We're going to be late and then Damian will be mad at me for making him late and then Mr. Wayne is going to send us away and kick us out and then we will be forced to live on the streets or worse! What have I done?! Why do you hate me universe?! My poor mon chat will be forced to endure Lei-la for the whole week and then he'll kill her and be sent to prison and I won't be allowed ..." Marinette continued to ramble frantically having not  heard Chloe, missing the amused looks on all the Waynes faces as they lisend to them.

"AKUMA!" Chloe suddenly shouted, trying to stop her friend from embarrassing herself anymore, making Marinette instantly go into a battle stance with a serious look. This caused all the Waynes to look between Marinette and Chloe baffled and half-shocked. "Huh?" Marinette mumbled after she scanned her surroundings looking for the familiar purple butterfly/moth. "Here sleepy-Mari, here sleep-Mari. Looki what I have." Chloe cooed, pointingly ignoring the open-mouthed, jaw-dropped Waynes as she held the to-go cup towards Marinette.

"Coffeeeee." Marinette mumbled, following the cup with her eyes before snatching it out of Chloe's hands, taking a huge gulp, and smiling. "Happy zombie, wonderful coffee. Heaven in a cup all mine." Marinette sang, with a Joker-like smile before skipping out the door.

"Yeah. We might want to go before she skips all the way to school or hot-wires a bike." Chloe nervously said before heading out the door after her now hyper friend. "Tt." Damian said after a few seconds, effectively breaking everyone out of their shock as he walked out of the Manor with a scowl closely followed by Alfred.

"Well that was something." Tim mumbled, eyeing his coffee with suspision.

(A/N: For those who forgot, the school uniforms look like this.)

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