Chapter 3

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned off the seatbelt sign. Please exit in an orderly fashion. And welcome to Gotham City!" A muffled voice said drawing me back into consciousness. 'Gotham? Why am I in Gotham?' I slowly blink my eyes trying to make sense of everything when the memories came flooding back. 'We're here!!!'  I mentally cheer as I start looking for Chloe practically bouncing in my seat. "Come on Bug. We have to meet up with the idiot sheep before they try another stunt" Chloe said to my left already holding out my handbag with a smile. "Well, morning to you too Chlo." I chuckled taking my bag and opening it just to make sure the Miracle box was still okay, only to be met with the tiny smiling faces of Tikki and Plagg. 

I quickly ducked back into my seat scared someone could see them. "What are you guys doing outside!" I whisper-shout at them. "Relax Mini-bug. We were careful plus it's been forever since we left the box. I want Camembert!" Plagg whined dramatically. "Hush Plagg. I'm sorry Mari. We would have stayed but we felt a strange energy in this city and we just want you to be safe. We don't know if it's a good sign or bad yet, but rather safe than sorry." Tikki explained looking both excited and guilty. I smiled sweetly at them before lightly petting Plagg. "Fine. You guys can stay but no mischief! Promise?" I said in a stern voice. They both cheered before getting comfortable in my handbag.

"Mari! Where were you? Did they do something? O, I'm going to kill them." Chloe ranted when I rejoined her at baggage claim. She spinned me in a little circle trying to see if I had any injuries. "I'm fine Queenie. Just got held up taking with two stowaways, probably three now." I said looking at my handbag before pointing to her own. Laughing she shook her head looping her arm with mine as we waited for our bags. Our joy was short-lived since the class of sheep decided to grace us with their presence. Luckily they just ignored us. 'Maybe they won't try anything here in Gotham.' I thought even when I knew it was probably just wishful thinking. 'What's taking so long!' I thought after about 15 minutes of waiting for my bags. Everyone already had theirs. Even Chloe and she had four! 

I turned to look at Alix, only for her to shake her head. " Hey Chlo, I'm going to ask luggage assistance to help me find my bags. Could you please tell Mme. Bustier? I have a feeling that Lie-la is behind this." I asked Chloe with annoyance clear in my voice. "You sure you don't want me to stay with you? I could help you look." "No, it's okay Chlo. I don't want them to mess with your bags and someone needs to tell Mme. Bustier who already left. Alix can't help without blowing her cover. Please Queenie?" I asked giving her my best puppy eyes knowing she didn't want to leave me alone where I could be targeted. "Fine! But you have 10 minutes before I'm coming back here and dragging you out. Bags nor not." Chloe threatened before walking towards the exit muttering curses under her breath.

I was halfway to luggage assistance when I spotted my pink polka-dot bags ... In a fucking garbage can! 'Are they five!' I mentally face-palmed. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm my boiling blood, I walked to the garbage can. I tried to lift my bags out but after 5 minutes with no success, and numb hands, I asked a nearby security guard for help. Being short sometimes really sucked! Thanking the man sincerely, I ran to the exit hoping Chloe would be waiting with coffee. 'I really need life essence after that stunt.' I think bitterly. As I turned the last corner my phone started to ring. 

Skitting to a stop I pulled it out. Seeing it was Chloe I quickly answered. "Chloe, what's wrong? Where are you?" "No time to explain Bug. You need to get outside right now! They're trying to leave you behind!" 'Bloody hell!!' Picking up my pace I practically flew outside, and true to Chloe's words, the sheep were on the bus and Chloe was arguing with Mme. Bustier while the bus driver looked flabbergasted. "I'm here! I'm here!" I screamed out of breath as I once more skidded to a stop in front of Mme. Bustier.

Mme. Bustier did not look impressed. 'O, shit. Here it comes.' I mentally sigh, still trying to catch my breath. "Marinette, a class president is not supposed to be late! I thought you outgrew this horrible habit of yours long ago. I am very disappointed in you, young lady. The next time you wish to partake in ... unsavory... activities, I will have no choice but to send you back to Paris. Do I make myself clear?" Mme. Bustier scolded. Chloe let out a groan of disbelief and a scowl at the words 'unsavory activities' while I tried to explain what happened to my bags. 

"No excuses Marinette! Lila already told me what happened and I will not stand for lies." She pinched the bridge of her nose before motioning for Chloe and me to get on the bus. The whole class snickered as we got on the bus heading to the back. "That's what you get for being mean to Lila." Mylene said as we passed her seat. When we passed Alix she looked close to tears so I gave her a small smile, letting her know I didn't blame her for anything. Finally falling into our seats I whisper to Chloe, "Thanks for keeping them here." She just gave me a look saying 'duh' before pulling out her phone. Following her example I texted my parents, Luka and Gami that we were in Gotham. Hopefully, the toddler sheep were done for today and we could just relax.

* Quick Author Note ---> Only Marinette, Chloe, and Adrien can speak fluent English. Mme Bustier can only speak basic English. This means that all conversations up to this point were in French. Marinette and Chloe will be speaking in English from this point on unless they are talking to the class. *


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