Chapter 10

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Richard 'Dick' Prov

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Richard 'Dick' Prov.

'Bruce owes me BIG time! This class is horrible. Why did I have to learn French for pickup lines!' I wine in my head after the fiasco that happened in the reception area. I walk over to the all-you-can-eat eat breakfast-buffet Tim arranged for this class, packing in as much sugary goodness as I could before observing the class. The incompetent teacher was at a table in the left corner on her phone listening to something, 'Clearly uninterested in her own students. Hands down the worst teacher I have ever seen.' I fix my eyes next on where the majority of the class is sitting talking in French about something called MDC, a Mari-trash, and then the girl with sausage hair, Lila I believe her name was, started bragging about how she knew every celebrity under the sun. 'Clearly lacking attention at home, trying to overcompensate for something. Everyone is following her every word and action. Alpha female in the class then. I'm going to need to keep an eye on her.' I thought already feeling a headache forming at her voice. 

Doing a mental count of the students, I noticed two were missing. Looking around the entire food court/cafeteria, I notice them at a table in the far right corner. They were sitting as far away from their class as they possibly could. 'Loners? No, that can't be it. She won the class this trip. Why are they being excluded? Is it by choice or something else? Wait ... No way...' I mentally do a double take when the girl with blue-black hair suddenly looks at me, now having a clear red handprint on her face, smiling slightly before turning back to her friend who was glaring at me with such hostility I'm kinda surprised I'm still alive.

'How the hell did that happen!' She's so tiny. Who would do that to her?!? In our brief conversation, she sounded nothing but respectful. There is definitely something going on in this class. Her friend could give Bruce a run for his money on the Bat glare thou.' I thought as I looked back at my watch seeing that I was actually behind schedule now. 'Whelp, there goes my good mood.' Taking a deep breath to steady myself and placing my work smile on, I clap my hands together getting everyone's attention. "Please finish your meals. We will be starting the official tour in 5 minutes." I say already officially tired and ready for today to be over.

- Time ship to about lunchtime, brought to you by Alfred's immortality -

'Fucking hell! Please be lunchtime soon! God, please spare me from these pea-brained idiots! Or at least give me the strength not to kill them right here, right now. Barbara will kill me if I land in jail and lose my badge because of some sausage-haired, attention-seeking, little b...' I mentally prayed as I led the class through the last part of my tour, trying and failing to rein in my anger. The only people who were actually paying any attention were the competition winner and her friend. They were interacting with the employees, asking questions, and making notes. They even helped some of the employees in the marketing department when they were panicking about a sudden meeting. 

The rest of their class on the other hand..., Lord give me strength! They weren't paying attention in the slightest. They actually talked so loud I've had every manager of every department I had covered, beg me on their knees to just leave so that they could work. It was like they could only hear the sausage-haired girl, who already won herself five lawsuits just for tarnishing my family's name. The amount of lies she told about my father and siblings almost made me think she forgot whose building she was currently touring. She clearly forgot I understood French thou from all the perverted things she said about me to the girl in glasses that was glued to her side. I've never been more disgusted in my life. And their teacher .... Fuck, there goes my blood pressure. 

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