Chapter 32

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

'A date. I'm going on a date with Damian. I'm going ... on a ... DATE ... with Damian! I need Chloe!!!' I mentally ramble as I start to panic. Remembering that Damian was still in front of me and that I had LESS than 24 hours to get ready, I quickly kissed Damian's cheek before zooming into Wayne Manor. Nearly toppling the Wayne boys, I pulled Chloe off the living room couch and toward my room. "Mari? What's going on?" Chloe demanded as soon as I pushed her into the armchair in the corner of my room and slammed the door closed. "DATE!" I squeaked out before running toward the closet and promptly pulling every date-able outfit out that Chloe and Stephanie made me get. 

"The mutt asked you on a date and now you're freaking?" Chloe guessed while folding her arms and leaning back into the chair. "Relax Mari. When is it?" Chloe asked as I threw outfit after outfit on the bed with a glare. 'All these outfits look terrible! Why did I buy these?!? Correction, why did I let myself get talked into buying these horrendous outfits!' I mentally rant before freezing and turning sharply toward Chloe. "Tomorrow. He said TOMORROW!" I half yell - half shiek, making Chloe jump up from the chair. "Is he INSANE! We have less than 12 hours to get you ready! Ooo, Imma kill that mutt!" Chloe ranted before yanking an outfit out of my hands and throwing it on the floor. "First things first. Where is he taking you?" Chloe asked as she grabbed my shoulders to make me focus on her. "He didn't say and I kinda ran to you after I said yes." I nervously state while rubbing my hands together, making Chloe release me in order to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Okay. I've got this. I've got this. First, you missy are taking a long, nice bath with those scented oils Barbarra got us. I'll ask the mutt where he's taking you and then get the gang to help with your outfit. Okay? Okay." Chloe ordered as she pushed me toward the bathroom and promptly slammed the door shut. "But what oil do I use Chlo!" I yell through the door, giving the line of different oils an unsure glance. "Just pick one!" I hear Chloe shout back before another door slams shut. "Fine." I grumble as I start to fill the bath with warm water. "Now which one of you will make me smell the best..." I rhetorically ask the bottles before just closing my eyes and pouring a random bottle into the water.

Damian Prov.

'She said yes. She actually said yes. Fuck! What do I do now? Where do I take her? I should have paid more attention when the imbeciles talked about their dates and girlfriends. Fuck!' were the primary thoughts in my head after Angel shouted her answer. The next thing I knew, Angel kissed my cheek before running into the manor. Placing a hand where she kissed me, I allowed a small smile to take form. 'Focus Wayne. We have less than 24 hours to plan the perfect first date that Angel deserves.'

Schooling myself into my normal neutral 'Ice-Prince' persona, I walk into the manor while mentally preparing myself for the torture I was about to endure. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the living room where the imbeciles were lounging while watching some movie. "Tt. I need to ask you buffoons something." I half announce - half demand in a cold voice as I stand in front of them. "What's up, Little D?" Grayson asked, pausing their movie, much to the whining idiot's displeasure.  "What do you want Demon Spawn?" Todd grumbled while sending me a glare. Sending my own glare, I spat the very question I never wanted to ask them, "Where do you take a girl on a date?"

"Huh?" All three imbeciles say simultaneously, mimicking a dear caught in headlights. "Tt. Where. Do. You. Normally. Take. A. Girl. On. A. Date?" I spell out for them as if they were toddlers. Smirking at the glares Todd and Drake send me, I focus back on the family member known for their dating ways. "This isn't a prank, is it Little D? You finally reached the sacred age of girls!" Grayson cheered while wiping invisible tears. Grumbling a, "Tt." I cross my arms, getting impatient with their mockery.

"Fine. Fine. A nice restaurant would be the best. Great food, great music, great dark corners." Todd finally answered with a smirk, making me throw one of my daggers between his legs. "Tt. Declined." I snarled, wanting to cut his favorite part off with my Katanna for the slight against Angel. "Chill!" Todd yelled, looking a few shades paler when he saw how close the knife was. "How about the movies? And dinner after?" Drake suggested, looking at something on his phone before turning his phone to show the movies listed. "Tt. Declined." I instantly dismissed it after seeing only boring, romance movies and unrealistic horror movies listed. Watching with a satisfied smile when Drake started to frown and pout, I turned toward Grayson for his (full-proof idiotic) suggestion.

"Oi, Mutt!" I hear the blond demon yell from the door, making me turn toward her with a scowl. "Tt. What do you want now?" I ask annoyed. "Where are you taking MY Mari?" The blond demon demanded, making my scowl increase as I glared at her. "That is none of your concern." I simply stated while glaring at her. "Demon Spawn over here has no idea where he's taking her." Todd quipped making me throw another knife, this time aiming for his head. "Tt. Shut it, Todd." I growl only to turn to the blond demon when she lets out a mocking laugh. "O, This is great! You plan before you ask you moron! Ugg! Figure it out soon! We'll have Mari ready by 09h00 and you better have the best date planned for her!" The blond demon demanded, before turning on her heel and leaving the room.

"Tt. You lot are useless." I simply state as Grayson remains silent when I turn expectantly toward him. "Sorry, Little D. Normally we just do dinner or a restaurant as a date." Grayson states while rubbing his neck in a nervous habit. "Tt. How you have a wife is truly a miracle." I grumble at the truly moronic family members in front of me. Determining that they would be of no future use, I turned on my heel and marched out of the room and toward the one place any male would never want to enter.

Taking another deep breath to steel my nerves and prepare myself for the utter hell that awaits me, I knocked on the purple door. Before I even finished knocking, the door swung open and I was faced with three demons that have sent men running for their lives. "Tt. I need advice." I simply stated, knowing it would be better to get this over with as quickly as possible. Suddenly three Cheshire Cat smiles greeted me before I was pulled into the room...

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