Chapter 18

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No One Prov

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No One Prov.

The next morning the world would think that it was ending, as in the living room of the Wayne manner each and every Wayne was present. Alfred was standing next to the plush armchair on which Mr. Bruce Wayne was seated, arm securely around Ms. Seline Kyle's waist as they both frowned at the information the four young Waynes just told them. 

 "So, you are telling me that a sweet, tiny girl and her demon friend are being abused by their class and teacher, and no one is doing anything to stop it from happening?" demanded Barbara Gordan in fury from Tim's tablet screen, while Stephanie Brain and Cassandra Cain each stabbed what looked like toast as if it were the French class instead. "Yes, and Chloe isn't a demon. She was actually very sweet." Tim automatically defended, making every family member stare at him in disbelief.

"Okay, we will get back to Tim's crush in a second. What are we going to do? Send them back to Paris? Deal with them here? Do we even have the authority to deal with them here? And no, brutally killing and/or maiming that class is not an option. Yet." Seline thought out loud, mind already thinking of her own revenge plan along with the six Wayne children. "We will not turn this into a blood bath. I forbid you all, even you Seline, from harming these children physically. Tim and I will look into this from a legal aspect." Bruce sternly said/ordered his family, seeing the sinister smiles on seven faces quickly turn into pouts or as close to a pout that Damian can get.

"I have added a tour to their schedule. They will be here for the day from 08h00. Alfred, Seline, I want you to be here as hosts and provide them with lunch. Should anything happen, you may kick them out immediately. Boys, I want you all here to give the actual tour. Keep them from finding anything regarding the cave and collect evidence. From what Dick said, the Rossie girl already has several lawsuits we could use but with no evidence, we can't make a move. Get that evidence. I'll inform the school and police station that you will not be there today." Bruce ordered with a nod, before turning to his daughters glaring at him. "We will handle things on this side. You three should enjoy your holiday as much as you can." "NO!" all three yelled as one and stared their adoptive father down. "Home. Tomorrow." Cassandra stated in a voice of steel before promptly disconnecting leaving Bruce with a growing headache.

"We'll get everything ready then. They will be here in an hour." Seline said after a minute, as she moved to do just that while Bruce grabbed his keys and briefcase Alfred handed him. "And boys, try not to destroy the house or scare the girls." Bruces said with a sigh, resigning to his fate before disappearing out the manor door. "Mental torture then?" Jason asked, sinister smile back on full display. "Accidental injuries," Dick added, a mischievous look in his eyes. "Poison their food? Give them a reason to never leave the bathroom again?" Tim mused, leaning forward slightly. "Tt. All of it. They do not hurt her here." Damian nearly growled. All four brothers looked at each other in silent agreement. Let the fun begin...

Marinette Prov.

'A soulmate. I have a soulmate. Was it just a dream? It would explain the need to be near him, the sparks, and why he nearly killed Alya yesterday. But that's just silly. No way would anyone want me. No. This is just hormones. We will not act differently than we do with Luka. He is a friend. Nothing more!' I mentally rant as I watch the sunrise from the window. Stealing my nerves for the day and seeing him again, I get up and turn to Chloe. "Chlo, wakey wakey. It's tour day at Wayne Manor." I cooe as I shake her lightly. "Fuck off Mari." Chloe grumbled, curling her blankets tighter around herself.

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