Chapter 40

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Following behind Batman, I soon saw the greatest or weirdest creation on earth. I really couldn't decide whether I was impressed or not, as I looked at the plane shaped like a bat otherwise known as the Bat-plane. "Please tell me we are not getting on that monstrosity." Chloe, or rather Golden Pollen, whispered next to me. "It could be interesting. I hear no malicious beats." Luka, otherwise known as Sonic Beat, answers as he and Kagami (Shadow Savior) stop on my other side. "Should they try anything, I shall simply eliminate them." Kagami added with a cold voice. "Yeah. I have absolutely no desire to crash in that plane. Even looking at it makes me feel like I'm going to be swallowed by a bat." I agree, even as I watch the entire Bat-fam walk toward the plane with relaxed steps.

"Malak. Are you coming?" Damian shouts from next to Batman who stands almost 15 feet away from us. "Umm. No?" I say while shaking my head. I see the confusion on his face before shouting, "I'll meet you at home! I'm not being eaten by a bat!"

Chloe, who wore a victory smirk, opened a portal with the aid of Kaalki right next to us. Waving sweetly to the dumb-struck Bat-boys Kagami, Luka, Chloe and I walk through the portal straight into the Wayne Manor living room. "Now that, that is settled. You have some explaining to do Mari-hime." Kagami sweetly says, making me instantly regret the headstart. "Umm ... well... you see... I have absolutely no idea what you're referring to Gami." I stutter out, deciding to play innocent ignorant. "Oh, really? So you were not kidnapped from a date, which you didn't tell us about, with Damian Wayne, someone who you also didn't tell us about ?" Luka asks innocently while the team de-transforms.

"I'm not getting out of this am I?" I hesitantly whisper to Tikki who is now floating next to me. "NOPE!" Kagami, Luka, and Chloe yell simultaneously.

~~~ Back with the Bat-boys who are in hysterics without their precious ~~~

Damian Prov.

"Malak. Are you coming?" I shout from next to Father, about 15 feet away from my Angel and her team. "Umm. No?" I faintly hear Malak say while shaking her head. Giving her a confused facial expression, I freeze as she shouts her next words "I'll meet you at home! I'm not being eaten by a bat!"

"What?" I whisper to myself in disbelief, before feeling the breath leave my body as her Bee-themed team member, possibly the she-demon herself, opens up a portal in which they all walk through and vanish from sight.

"What the fuck? Where'd Pixie go?!" Todd yells from behind us. "What. The. FUDGE!!!" Grayson screams in a high-pitched voice from inside the plane. "Their GONE!" Drake yells in shock from somewhere behind me. "I wonder what she meant when she said eaten by a bat?" Father softly whispers to himself as he discreetly looks around as if searching for said animal.

"I'm going to enjoy this family. SO much chaos." a voice says from next to my head, making me instantly turn only to see the floating black cat? known as Plagg. "You do not seem shocked about the portal." I remark causally while observing the creature. "Hmm. Mini-bug ran from the giant bat behind us. Hello chosen. I'm Plagg, now give me cheese." Plagg demanded while pointing behind him toward the plane. "I see. Tt. Grayson, Drake! Stop screaming. You are giving me a headache." I demand of my idiotic brothers who are now pointing between Plagg and myself.

"Tt. Father, let us return home. My wife is awaiting my return." I instruct, promptly boarding the plane and taking my usual seat with Plagg lying down on my head.

~~ Timeship brought to you by Plagg chasing Dick with smelly socks around the Wayne Manor ~~

3r Preson Prov.

If someone were to tell Alfred that he would have magical flying tiny creatures in his master's home, he would have laughed and called them insane. Alas, that is the situation he now finds himself in. Right in the middle of Wayne Manor, three teenagers and three tiny floating creatures were scolding one Marinette Dupain-Cheng and another floating creature who had been missing for a week now. Relief flowed through Alfred at the sight of the little mistress who changed his youngest master for the better.

"So you are now married?!"

That sentence was enough for Alfred to pause in making his presence known. That one sentence filled the poor butler with dread and fear. Dread toward the happiness of his master and fear for the young women should he find out.

"For the millionst time, YES! Damian and I are now married! Now for the love of Kwami can we wait for my husband to get home so that we can talk about everything with everyone!" Marinette shouted in exhaustion, unaware that the soul of one Alfred Pennyworth just left his body and the four shell-shocked women who were spying on the group from within the Bat-cave promptly passed out.

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