Chapter 15

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Throughout the entire lesson I felt his eyes on me, but every time I peeked at him, he would look away. If I caught him, he would just offer a smirk before looking away. I couldn't stop smiling throughout the lesson, even as Chloe looked between me and Damian with a glare. When the bell rang at the end of the lesson, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Where is your next class?" Damian asked, his school bag already over one of his shoulders. 

"I don't know, to be honest. Our tour guide only said to stay with this class." I answer him honestly, looking at Chloe for confirmation. "Maybe we should ask the teacher, Bug?" Chloe said, linking our arms while sending a glare to Damian. "Tt. Don't glare at me. Damian." Damian said as an introduction to Chloe. She eyed him up and down. "Chloe. Best friend of this one. You look familiar. But you can't be too important if I don't remember you." Chloe said with a flip of her hair. 'Why? Just why Chlo?' I mentally scold her, while sending an apologetic smile to Damian.

Damian actually looked amused before he rolled his eyes. "Ask the teacher. I'll wait outside." He says to me while sending a slight glare a Chloe. As he exists the class, I turn to Chloe. "Why are you being rude to him Queenie? He seems nice and well..." I say fumbling with my fingers. "And he is the Greek god you saved. I figured. I'm just looking out for you Bug. If he stays semi-nice, I'll give him a chance. Promise." Chloe says looking at the door. Knowing she only means well, I give her a quick hug before pulling her towards the teacher. 

"Excuse me Sir. We don't know where to go next. We were only informed to stay with the senior class." I ask him. "Just follow one of the students from this class. All the teachers here were informed of your arrival." He said dismissively while motioning towards the door. With a sigh, I pull Chloe out the door before she attacks the teacher. "So?" Damian asks as I walk out. "So, umm, mind company in your classes for the day?" I ask shyly, looking into his eyes. 'Why am I so shy!?!? This is worse than stuttering. He probably thinks I'm weird now. Like who the hell will believe I'm the girl that saved his ass when I'm a blushing, shy mess when I talk to him. Uggg!' I mentally rant to myself.

"What she means is that they didn't plan an actual schedule for us for the day and just told us to follow one of the students in the class." Chloe deadpans, picking at her nails. "Tt. Follow me. You too." Damian says motioning towards Chloe while gently grabbing my hand. Instantly, sparks travel up my arm and a feeling of safety fills me. Chloe glared at our linked hands but followed him as well. "You know, it's rude to just grab someone's hand." Chloe states after a few seconds but he doesn't let go. He just sends me a smirk and Chloe a bored look. 

"Noted." Was all he said. He led us to another classroom before letting go of my hand and motioning toward the teacher before taking his seat. We explain to the teacher who we were, and then found our seats. This becomes a pattern of sorts throughout the morning. Damian leading us to his next class while bickering with Chloe and making light conversation with me during the lessons. It was surprisingly enjoyable and even Chloe seemed to warm up to him after a while. The only weird thing was that everyone was staring at us but I just wrote it off to our outfits or us being the only ones not in uniform.

Lunch finally came and Damian, Chloe, and I were making our way towards a table that everyone seemed to avoid at all costs. "So, Damian. Ganna tell us why everyone keeps looking at us? I mean, I know we're gorgeous but this is getting ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." Chloe asked as she slammed her food tray on the table. "Tt. It's because of who I am." was all Damian answered before taking a bite of his food. "And who are you, Damian?" I asked lightly, but I knew my eyes were screaming curiosity. 

Damian looked away from me almost like he was afraid to answer the question. Deciding that maybe he was too uncomfortable to answer, I turned to Chloe. "So Chloe, do you have any problems with the clothes? I designed them kinda last minute." Chloe caught on quickly and dropped the subject. "Bug, all your designs are perfect. I would never complain plus I don't think I could even if I tried. I mean..." 

"Damian Wayne. That's who I am." Chloe and I turned our attention to Damian. "Oh. Well then, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Chloe Bourgeois at your service." I say with a bright smile. "Now I remember you. You looked better in your magazine pictures." Chloe said before turning back to me. "Like I was saying, Mom can't even find fault with your designs so don't doubt yourself now Bug. Speaking of designs, think you would be able to alter these uniforms a bit. I refuse to look like a nun when I'm hot as hell." Chloe flips her hair again making me laugh at her antics.

I turn to look at Damian, but he looks like a deer caught in headlights. "You okay, Damian?" I ask when I notice he isn't eating his food and only staring at us. "That's it?" Damian asks baffled. "What do you mean Wayne?" Chloe asks in a bored tone. "I tell you I'm the son of a billionaire who will inherit my father's empire with my brothers and you just respond with oh." Damian rants sounding almost mad or was it frustration? 

Chloe just raises her eyebrow looking unamused. "So? I'm the daughter of the major in Paris, my mother is one of the world's top fashion icons, my best friend is the son of Jagged Stone, and my ex-best friend is a famous module. Sweetie, you're not the only brush with fame we've had." Chloe says in a bored tone while pulling out her phone since she was done eating. "What Chloe means is that we've grown up among famous people all our lives, so even if you're famous here we will treat you like a normal person because that is what you are. Just a normal person with a few perks." I tell Damian kindly. I could see relief flash in his eyes as his body slightly relaxed. I offer him a bright smile just to reassure him further.

"Mari-trash, where were you, you slut?"

'For fuck sake. Just why universe? Just why...'


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