Chapter 19

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

After half an hour, the hotel manager and fire chief announced that the Hotel was once again safe and that they wanted to speak with the occupants of floor 15 room G06. Already knowing that this was going to happen we decided to notify Mr. Wyane, Mrs. Whitestone, and our parents as soon as the sheep arrived in the lobby. Notifying Mme. Bustier that that was our room, we left to speak with the adults. Long story short, we told them we had no electronics, or candles, or flammable items that could catch fire which led to the manager declaring an investigation and promising us a new room. Once we were back with our class Mme Bustier flew in a fit of rage, scolding and yelling at both Chloe and me for another ten minutes, telling us how disappointed she was in us and how we would be on the next flight back to Paris,  before being interrupted by Mrs. Whitestone who arrived with... Mr. Wayne himself.

"Are you children alright?" Mrs. Whitestone fretted as she scanned over the entire class, lingering her gaze on Chloe and me a bit longer. "They are all fine. I was just dealing with the two troublemakers responsible for this!" Mme Bustier huffed and turned back to us, seemingly not noticing the terrifying figure that was Bruce Wayne. "Yes, I would like to know what happened to my hotel." came the stern, cold voice of Bruce Wayne drawing the entire lobby's attention.

"Mr. Wayne. It is good to see you, again." The hotel manager greeted, before motioning towards Chloe and me. "These unfortunate ladies have been the victim of unfortunate circumstances. Their hotel room caught fire and after asking them a few questions I will be placing the incident under investigation with the aid of the policy and fire department. Both ladies have claimed that they had no items that could have caused the fire and I sincerely believe them. I will have them in a new room come evening." The manager explained, sending us a warm smile that we didn't see. We were both too caught up in the satisfaction of seeing the herd of sheep and their bitch of a leader turn paler with each mention of legal authority that will be dealing with them when they're eventually caught.

"And who might these two ladies be?" Asked Mr. Wayne with a raised eyebrow as he turned his gaze on us. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Chloe Bourgeois, Mr. Wayne. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience but we are only grateful that we were not in our room when the fire started. We fear that we would no longer be standing here, should we have decided to have a lie in." I answer, meeting his stare head-on and drawing on my Ladybug personality for courage.

"Very fortunate indeed, then. I will compensate you both for any losses. Do you both feel up to the tour at Wayne Manor? I would understand if you both would like to stay here and re-settle after this event." Mr. Wayne asked in a softer tone now, shocking every adult who knew him. "We feel up to it, Bru... Mr. Wayne. A distraction will be much appreciated." Chloe answered this time, slightly rubbing her side where I elbowed her when she almost called Mr. Wayne by his name or even worse, her nickname for him.

"Alright then. Mrs. Whitestone, I leave them in your capable hands." these were the last words Mr. Wayne spoke to us before heading back out the door with the hotel manager close on his heels. "Right then. Please head to the bus. We will be leaving in 10 minutes. Should you need to get something from you room, I suggest you all best hurry." Mrs. Whitestone quickly said, sensing Mme Bustier wanting another screaming match with Chloe and me.

"But breakfast ..." / "Why are they coming with?" / "I need the bathroom.." came the collective whines of the sheep making me roll my eyes. 'Yes, yes... you cause trouble and now want things you can't have. Boo hoo, poor babies.' I grumble silently. Feeling a silent tap against my side, I look down at Plagg and Tikki who are staring up at me with worried eyes. "We're okay, guys. Don't worry. Eat some of the cookies and cheese crackers." I whisper to them with a soft smile, discreetly petting them both.

Tugging Chloe toward the bus where Mrs. Whitestone was waiting, we quickly got into our seats in the back and waited for the sheep. "Think we can move into our apartment early, Bug?" Chloe sighed as she turned to look at me, eyes empty and guarded. "Best not. They could try to burn that down too." I answer,  feeling just as numb and guarded as her eyes. "Let's hope Richard is home today. He might cheer us up." I whispered hopefully, before schooling myself into my bitch-persona once the sheep's voices came closer.

"I can't believe that was Bruce Wayne! But why did he ignore you, Lila?"  "Oh, you know. He has to otherwise the paparazzi could know I'm here and that I and my Dami-boo are engaged. Oh, no. I wasn't supposed to tell you that. He asked me not to."  "Wow, Lila! Congrats..."  "Can you get me an interview with Bruce?"  "I'm sorry Alya. The Waynes are..."

'Yes, congratulations. You just got five more lawsuits.' I thought bitterly as the bus departed towards Wayne Manor.

Damian Prov.

Something was wrong. I could feel it. But what? There was a sense of anger, dread, and murder washing over me in waves making me tense and on high alert. "You okay Demon spawn?" Todd's voice asked drawing me back into the present. "Tt. Fine." I responded coldly, eyes darting around the room, looking for the cause of these emotions. "Sure, little D. They'll be here any minute so relax a bit," Grayson added with a teasing smile making me scowl back at him.

"We might be waiting a while for them. A room at Wayne Hotel caught fire. They're investigating it but it's the hotel those brats are staying in." Seline announced as she strutted into the living room in one of her least revealing dresses and heels. "What?!" Todd and Grayson yell as they jump off the couch. I could feel myself growing more tense and on edge as I stared at the door, almost willing Angel to walk through them.

"It's worse. It was their room. Fuckers set their room on fire!" Drake growled where he was watching the security feed of the Hotel on the fire. "Alfred. Rooms. Now." I ordered with every once of fury and murder in my veins following those words. Looking Pennyworth straight in the eye, missing the look of utter, disbelieving shock on everyone's face, I stared him down. "Of course, Master Damian. I will see to it immediately." Pennyworth gave a slight bow before leaving the room once more.

Turning to the imbeciles who were still staring at me, I bit out, "What?" making them jump slightly. "You just called Alfred, Alfred." Grayson said astonished. "Tt. Imbecelces." I growled before heading to the door, needing to get out of the house.

"Think he's finally opening up toward emotions?" I heard Todd mutter. "Oh, my little kitten is in love! Finally!" "I vote he's an alien inva..." were the last I heard from the morans before the door slammed closed behind me.

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