Chapter 13

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No one Prov.

Everything was peaceful as the setting sun colored the manor in reds and oranges, signaling the end of another day. Alfred was humming in the kitchen as he prepared dinner for the masters of Wayne Manor when suddenly the front door slammed open. The youngest son of Bruce Wayne strides in, looking annoyed and frustrated as he stomps up the stairs toward his room. Not even 10 minutes later the front door opens again and laughter is heard as the oldest and second oldest stride into the house. "They could not have been that bad Dick. You were only like 20 minutes late." Jason Todd, second adoptive son, laughs ruffling Richard Grayson, first adoptive son, hair. 

"They swore that if I was even one second late when I picked them up, Kor could say goodbye to any children with me. The only reason they didn't castrate me today was because of the selfies with Blueberry." Dick said shaking his head before dramatically falling onto the couch. "Blueberry? Should I be worried Kori will seek revenge?" Jason asks his brother while raising his eyebrow in disappointment. "Don't look at me like that Jay. I'm not cheating or wherever your dirty thoughts are heading. I met her and her friend today at that tour of W.E. They wore Gothem-inspired clothes and you know how the girls get about fashion. They were pretty sweet kids. The picks are on the group chat if you wanna see" Dick said, suddenly deep in thought.

Jason barely had his phone out when Damian Wayne, the youngest and only blood son of Bruce Wayne, stormed into the room. "How do you know her?! Who is she?!" Damian demanded Dick who now had a katana against his throat. "Easy little D. He isn't cheating on Kori. I was just messing with him." Jason said putting his focus back on his phone and the selfies Dick mentioned. "What the fuck are you talking about Todd? I'm talking about her!" Damian said in a deadly voice, holding his phone out and showing the selfie of Marinette, Chloe, and Dick. 

Jason stared at the picture before looking at Dick. Jason did this three more times before he let out a low whistle. "So you met Pixie, huh? Cute, isn't she?" Jason asked leaning back into his chair with a small smile. "Master Damian. Kindly put away your sword before I confiscate it, along with the others." Alfred said, making his presence known. Damian grumbled curses under his breath, sheathing his sword. "Answer the question Grayson, Todd." Both stayed silent as they watched the youngest with amusement. "Why do you wanna know Little D?" Dick asked leaning forward slightly. "Yeah. Since when do you care about anything other than your katanas?" Jason asked smirking. "Tt. I don't care. Now are you going to answer my question or do I need to resort to violence?" Damian asked with a voice and eyes that promised swift death.

Before either brother could continue teasing their youngest brother the front door opened again and Timothy Drake, the third adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, along with Bruce Wayne himself, walked into the house. "Master Tim, Master Bruce, welcome home. Dinner will be served in an hour. Would you like a cup of coffee?" Alfred said. "Thanks, Alfred but I'm good. I'm just going to head to bed. I have a feeling she'll know if I broke my promise. Could you leave dinner for me to eat late? Thanks." Tim said with a yawn heading straight to his room. 

The entire house was silent. All five men were in shocked silence. "Did he just say no to coffee?" Bruce asked, turning towards his family. "Clone maby?" Jason asked still shocked. "I'm voting alien mind control." Dick said, looking at Bruce. "Tt, imbeciles. It's obviously an imposter." Damian said with an eye roll. "Should we be worried or maybe I don't know, get some answers from whoever the hell just walked into our house!" Jason said standing up, gun in hand. They all nodded and started to make their way towards Tim's room. 

His door suddenly opened and Tim stuck his head out the door. "You know I can hear you right? Also, wrong on all your theories. I'm me and to prove it, Dick and Jason broke the microwave again." Tim said with a smirk before ducking back into his room and locking his door. In the hall, a pale Dick and Jason turned to Alfred who already looked at them motioning towards the kitchen.

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