Chapter 22

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Marinette Prov

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Marinette Prov.

Damian and I talked about everything and nothing for the next three hours. We talked about my life in Paris, my parents, the bakery, and some of my creations, which he told me terrified him for some unexplainable reason. I told him about my dreams of being a fashion designer, how I wanted to open my own boutique, how Chloe and my friends declared that they would help me, and how Chloe took over the business part of my business so that I could just focus on my designs. I told him about Luka, Kagami, and Alix and how much they all meant to me. I even told him about the entire Adrian fiasco. "Wait, so you stalked him for the better part of your crush on this guy and knew his each and every move. Should I be worried?" Damian teased as I buried my head in my hands, making him chuckle. 

He told me about how he was raised by his 'bitch' of a mother and grandfather, how he went to live with his father, and how he takes pride in being his father's only blood son in a house full of circus animals. He told me about his paintings and how he prefers being by himself since he thinks of himself as a monster and people only want something from him. At this point, I hit him upside his head and promptly scolded him for ever thinking that he was a monster and the cheeky little git only said, "Agree to disagree." He told me about how he was a real terror to his brother which was the root cause for the nickname 'Little Demon'. I couldn't help but giggle at the havoc he described as he described every prank and attack in vivid detail.

At some point, we ended up lying on our backs next to each other just watching the clouds. "Why do you call me Angel?" I asked Damian, breaking the silence and turning my head to look at him. "It felt right. You were like an angel sent from heaven to save me. You'll probably think I'm mental but since I've met you, I've had this second voice that egos in my head sometimes, and well, it was that voice that called you Angel first. I just agreed."  Damian explained with a shrug, looking the picture of relaxed and at ease with his one arm behind his head and stretched out next to me. 'Is that soulmate thing Plagg mentioned?'

"Huh, well that's interesting. Do I get to nickname you, as well?" I teasingly asked Damian, turning on my side to face him fully. "If you want. Just nothing abhorrent." Damian watched me with skeptical eyes as I tapped my chin in mock thought. "Dami-boo!" I declared after a few seconds, only to go into a giggle fit at his nauseated face. "Tt. Declined." Damian instantly declared, turning on his side toward me with a mock glare. "But it fits you so well!" I teased, struggling to breathe through my giggles. "No." "Hmm, fine then grouchy. How about Dami?" I ask with a smile only to go into another laughing fit at his blank face. "Fine, fine. Let me think."

"Mon chat?" I asked, looking at Damian to see if he liked it.

"Really? My cat? Why would that be your nickname for me?" Damian asked, confused-amusement dancing in his eyes. "Ha! I didn't hear a no! From now on you will be Mon Chat." I proudly declare as I jump up and smile down at him in victory. "Why Angle? I'm not a cat!" Damian whined, well as good as Damian could whine. "Ugg, fine. I guess I'll tell you." I mock whine while I take a seat next to him again while he moves to lean back onto his elbows with a raised eyebrow. "You like animals and have a cat." I start to explain, only for him to cut me off with, "Angel you can not be serious." before falling back and covering his eyes with one arm.

"Hush you! Let me finish." I scold playfully, making him smirk. "You also follow me around for pets and your hair is fluffy like a little kitty's fur." I declare in triumph only to laugh again at his gapping expression. "I do not!" Damian viciously declares as he sits up and scowls playfully at me. "Yes, you do!" I giggle again at his betrayed look. Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket I pull it out to see Chloe's name flash on my screen. Showing the screen to Damian I quickly answer. "Finally! We are leaving in 10 minutes. Get that katana-loving mutt to bring you back." "Queenie, it isn't nice to keep calling them mutts." "I don't care. He stole you, now he needs to bring you back before the sheep realize you were gone the entire afternoon." Before I could even answer, Chloe hung up on me making me sigh.

"Guess our fun has come to an end, Mon Chat." I sigh as I get up and hold my hand for him to take. "Tt. Pesky little demon." Damian cursed under his breath, before taking my hand and letting me pull him to his feat. "Oh, don't be grouchy. We can hang out later again if you want. Plus we have each other's numbers so we can message whenever you want." I say trying to hold on to our relaxed and teasing atmosphere for a few more minutes. Damian only scowled and started to lead me back to the manor.

"Damian?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. "Hmm." Damian hummed, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "Why are you still holding my hand?" I ask in a teasing tone, making him look down at our joined hands. "Because I can." was his only response as he tightened his hold. As we reached the manor again, I pulled Damian to stop and motioned to the bathroom Rickard showed us this morning. With a nod, Damian let go of my hand and mentioned down the hall to indicate he would go ahead. With one final nod, we went our separate ways.

Damian Prov.

Reaching the horrid class my Angel call sheep, I moved to the shadow to observe them. Noticing that the imbeciles and demon were on the other side of the room, I made my way over to them. "Finally! Where is Mari?" the demon demanded with her hand on her hips and sneer on her face. "Tt. Bathroom." Scanning the room again, feeling like something was odd or missing. Dismissing the thought since I knew my Angel was the one missing I turned back to the imbeciles.

"Did you get it?" I asked, leaning against the wall while observing the sheep. "We got a lot on the recordings and tapes. Tim will work through them to build a case on everything he can find. Goldie said she and a few of Blueberry's friends will help us if we help them with building a case in Paris." Grayson explained as he moved to stand next to me. "One of the brats is missing." Todd suddenly said from my other side, making all four of us frown. "Bathroom?" Drake asked making Todd shrug while Grayson looked like he was doing a head count.

"Goldie. Who isn't here?" Grayson asked, suddenly standing straighter. "Mari, obviously." the demon responded in a monotone while typing on her phone. "One of the brats.. umm, sheep Chlo." Drake clarified, making her head snap up and looking around. She suddenly stood straighter and a dark, ominous aura surrounded her. "Where the fuck is that no-good ally cat?" Chloe seeth making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

 "Where the fuck is that no-good ally cat?" Chloe seeth making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end

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