Chapter 24

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⚠️Trigger Warning Chapter⚠️

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⚠️Trigger Warning Chapter⚠️

Marinette Prov.

Shocked at what just happened, bewildered by everyone's actions, or just because the blond's mood swing happened so fast, I honestly don't know but I just started to giggle like a manic. "I think she is going into shock." The redhead said, making Chloe panic and instantly go into mama-bear mode. "Couch. You need to sit. Butler, water. Chop-chop." Chloe demanded as she tugged me into the living room and made me sit on the couch.

"Hear you are, Miss Dupain-Cheng." Mr. Pennyworth said a few seconds later, holding a glass up to my face and urging me to drink. "Thank you, Mr. Pennyworth." I say shakenly, downing the entire glass in two big gulps. Placing the glass on the table in front of me, I stared down at my hands which were still shaking. "Mari..."

"O, right. Who are you?" I ask suddenly turning to the three unknown girls, cutting Chloe off. "My name is Barbara Gordon, this is Stephanie Brown and that is Cassandra Cain." Introduced the redhead before pointing to the blond and the black-haired asian. "Hello. I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng and that is Chloe Bourgeois." I introduced myself before pointing to Chloe who only nodded her head while taking a seat on my left.

"I love your outfits, by the way!" exclaimed Stephanie as she observed our outfits. "Of course you would. Mari designed them." Chloe huffed before turning back to me. "You can't keep it in Bug. You need to tell us what happened with that bastard." Chloe lightly scolded in Manderian, shocking everyone. "Just give me a minute Chloe! You weren't the one ... you weren't there." I harshly retaliate in Manderian before wincing at the flash of hurt in her eyes.

"Tt. The demon is right, Angel. What happened?" Damian asked next, kneeling in front of me with a blank face but concern swimming in his eyes. Suddenly feeling like I was the dirtiest person under the sun, I shifted away from him while looking down. Hearing Damian sigh as he moved to stand again making guilt course through me. Mentally I knew they were worried but right now I was just overcome with rage, disgust, and guilt.

"Marinette," Barbara called as she wheeled in front of me, making me look at her expectantly. "I will not touch you but I need to ask a few questions, okay? Just answer yes or no. We'll take it from there, okay?" Nodding to her conditions, cursing myself for my weakness. "Was he in the room the entire time?" Shaking my head no, I saw Richard write everything down from the corner of my eye making me tense for some reason. "Okay. Did he prevent you from leaving?" Barbara continued making me nod my head, slowly moving my arms forward so that she could see the bruises already forming on my wrists.

Hearing sharp intakes of breath, I quickly bring my hands closer to my middle, missing the sharp look Barbara shot everyone. "It's okay, Mari. These next few might be hard to answer so if you can't, it's okay." Nodding my understanding, fighting the flashes and the feel of his hands on me I look up at Barbara. "Did he touch you anywhere inappropriately?" Nodding my head once, clutching my hands together. "Did he kiss you against your will?" Nodding again, desperately wanting to go wash my mouth out. "Did he rape you, Mari?" Shaking my head at that one, I heard a breath of relief from next to me, making me glance at Chloe who was fighting tears as she looked down at her own lap.

Steeling my nerves and closing my eyes once before letting out a breath. "He cornered me against the bathroom wall. Told me that he knew I was in love with him because Lila and Alya told him so. Which is a ly. I tried to push past him but he grabbed my wrists and held them above my head. He then kissed me and stuck his hand into my shirt. I struggled the entire time until I remembered that my legs were free so I kneed him in the balls and ran for it. I ran straight into Damian." I recounted, looking Barbara straight in the eye, numbing and burying every emotion that surfaced. Refusing to look at anyone, I stood up from the couch and looked at Mr. Pennyworth.

"Do you have a shower I could use?" I asked, making my voice steel and forcing my body into a calm. "Of...Of course. Follow me please." Mr. Pennyworth motioned towards the door making me take a step only for Barbara to stop me again. "Marinette, in order to build a solid case we will need to take pictures of the bruises. Would that be alright?" Barbarra asked hesitantly, looking at me with... pity. Scowling, I shoved my arms forward so that Richard could take the pictures with his phone. Once he was done, I turned on my heel and followed Mr. Pennyworth again. Not being able to help myself, I turned to look at everyone in the room again. They were all looking at me like I was a wounded animal making me grind my teeth. "I would advise you all to stop looking at me like that, or you will find out exactly what kind of bitch I can be." were the last words I spat at them before leaving the room.

No one Prov.

 "I would advise you all to stop looking at me like that, or you will find out exactly what kind of bitch I can be." Marinette spat before leaving the living room making everyone's eyes go wide. That was a complete 180 from the sweet girl they all knew. "She's right. She's stronger than what that mangy ally cat did to her. We have been through worse and survived." Chloe stated, shocking the room a second time before she left the room to follow her best friend who needed her now more than ever while she collected herself again and the images of the last battle stopped playing on replay for the both of them.

"Do you have enough to get him behind bars for life, Grayson?" Damian asked, staring after the two Parisians. "We have enough to charge him, but the best we can hope for is a restraining order or maybe a few years of jail time." Dick sighed before falling into the couch with a sigh and rubbing his forehead. "We could send him a message as one of the bats," Jason suggested with a murderous look in his eyes as he leaned against the back of the couch. "Get the cause started Dick, I'll add it to the lawsuit against that class. I need to do more research on that class and what happened in Paris." Tim mumbled before he left for the Batcave.

"I can reach out to the girls and give them a bit of a scare. Jason, want to help?" Seline said with a feral grin before motioning for Jason to follow her out of the manor. "Tt. She needs new clothes." Damian grumbled before heading upstairs to his room leaving three shocked girls in the living room.

"Are we just going to ignore that Demon Spawn called Marinette Angel? Or that when we got here he was holding her close to him? Willingly? Mister you-touch-me-and-I-will-remove-a-limb?" Stephanie mused as she looked at Barbara and Cassandra. "Like her. She strong." Cassandra added with a firm nod. "I think a lot more happened in the last four days than the boys let on." Barbara agreed before getting a wicked grin.

"Fifty, Demon spawn will ask us tips for a first date before the weekend is over." Barbara bet, looking at her sisters with a twinkle in her eyes. "You're on. Sixty and I say they are dating by next week." Stephanie countered with a grin. "Deal!" both girls said in agreement. "Hundered. Married." Cassandra blurted before heading for her own room.

" Cassandra blurted before heading for her own room

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