Chapter 11

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Richard 'Dick'Prov

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Richard 'Dick'Prov.

It took me a full ten minutes before I could fully suppress my murderous anger. They both just gave me a small smile, before Chloe started to remind Marinette that she should message someone called Kagami. ' I'm going to need Tim's help. Maybe Jason's too.' I thought already devising a revenge plan for Blueberry and Goldie. "You going to get that Dickie?" Chloe asked while tapping her finger on the table. 'Huh? What's Goldie talking about?' I thought and I guess my face gave me away, cause she just rolled her eyes before pointing at my phone.

'Shit!' I thought as I see Stephanie's name flash on my screen. 'Shit, shit, shit...I'm suppose to pick the girls up for their 'Month of Boy Freedom' getaway!' I thought as I jumped out of my seat, accidentally denying Stephanie's call. 'Fuck! She's going to be pissed now!' I thought as panic overtook me. "I have to go girls. It's been great meeting both of you, but I need to pick up my sister's before they castrate me for being late. Here's my number in case you need me for anything." I say quickly writing down my number on a piece of paper before practically running out of the food court/cafeteria.

I skid to a stop halfway down the hall before doubling back to the girls. Stopping in front of them I quickly pulled out my phone. " Sorry. I know,... I know but I need a favor? Can I take a picture of your outfits and a selfie with all of us? My sisters love Gotham-inspired fashion so you'd be saving my future generation with these pictures." I practically beg them, half out of breath, giving them my best puppy dog eyes. 

They look at each other before bursting out in laughter. "Sure Dickie" / "Of course Richard!" Chloe and Marinette answer at the same time before posing for the pictures. Once I was satisfied, and another ten minutes late, I hugged both of them before sprinting to my car. While I was in the elevator I quickly sent the pictures on the Bat-fam group chat hoping it would appease the terrifying terrorists I call sisters.

Marinette Prov.

I watched as Richard full-on sprinted from the food court/cafeteria for the second time looking like the hounds of hell were on his heels. I turned back to Chloe just for both of us to burst out laughing again. "That was surprisingly fun, don't you think Chlo?" I ask clutching my side, smiling wide. "O, Mari-bug. Now you have two dogs at your heels just waiting for praise!" She teased before saving Richard's number to her phone and holding it out for me to do the same. 

"Luka is never leaving our side after he hears about this. No Greek god sighting yet, huh?" Chloe smirked while admiring her nails. "Chlo, enough about this Greek god. I mean, I never said that so I have literally no idea who you're talking about!" I playfully wine trying to fake innocence. Chloe just shook her head, smiling at me before pulling me in for another selfie. I could feel it. The darkness and sadness was slowly washing away here. Neither Chloe nor I have had this much fun in a very long time and just seeing her relaxing brought relief to me.

Suddenly I felt something cold on my head as Chloe shrieked and jumped off her seat. I reached my hand into my hair just to feel something sticky and cold. I looked over at Chloe who was running her hand through her hair trying to get the drink out of it while glaring at something behind me. 'Why can't they just leave us alone? I mean seriously! Dumping drinks on our heads is just scraping the bottom of the barrel at this stage.' I thought both tired and annoyed. I slowly turn in my seat just to be met with Lie-la and Alya smirking down at me. 

"Dropping drinks on us? Are you taking classes from a four-year-old on how to throw tantrums now?" I asked with clear annoyance in my voice before walking over to Chloe trying to take the burnt of their next attack and stopping her from attacking them. They both looked shocked at my words before Alya got in her predictable attack stance while Lie-la started her crocodile tears, drawing the whole food court/cafeteria's attention. 'Here we go again. Maybe they have a quota on how annoying they can be per day that they need to complete?' I thought momentarily forgetting the girl already raising her hand to hit me for the second time that day. Luckily for Chloe and me, the new tour guide walked in and announced that the second part of our tour was about to begin. Dragging Chloe away for the fuming toddlers *cough* Lie-la and Alya *cough-cough*, I refocused on learning as much as I could from this experience. I mean this could help Chloe and I with our future businesses.

- Time ship to the end of the tour, brought to you by Pollen dressing Tikki up as a flower -

By the end of the tour, both Chloe and I were feeling pretty sticky and disgusting since with all the walking the sodas Alya and Lie-la dropped on us dripped into our clothes and hardened in our hair. Luckily we could finally leave for the Hotel now and change, that's if the Kwamis' didn't destroy the room while protecting the miracle box. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Chloe Bourgeois! How could you tour such a pristine building looking like something that crawled out of the sewer!" Mme Bustier shrieked as she finally took in the students of her class again. 

"Go to the bathroom and fix your appearance at once!" She said in a scolding tone, while the class of sheep smiled behind her. "Wait Mme Bustier! Can't we just clean up at the Hotel? This isn't even our fault! This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous." Chloe said already knowing what would happen once we went into the bathroom. Mme Bustier just looked at us in disgust, shaking her head and pointing towards the bathroom. "But Mme..." "Enough Chloe! You are falling into the same nasty habits as Marinette. I will not repeat myself. Now go before I put you both on a plane back to Paris!" Mme Bustiers whisper-shouted while glaring at me. Knowing we weren't going to win, I just nodded to Mme Bustier before pulling Chloe towards the bathroom.

Once we got into the bathroom Chloe slumped against the wall. "Why Mari? Why can't they just leave us alone? Dickie made today so much better and they just ruined it!" She said as frustrated tears gathered in her eyes. "I know Chlo, I know. But guess what I just realized?" I comforted the frustrated girl, trying to distract her. "What?" Chloe asked closing her eyes. 

"We met THE Richard Grayson-Wayne. Actually, he made us his friends." I smirked at Chloe, wiping a stray tear away. She scrunched up her nose, tilting her head to the side slightly as if asking '''Yeah, and?''' I could feel myself smile even more. "So Lie-la just spent the better part of this tour talking or rather lying about the Wayne family in front of a Wayne!" I cheered. Realization hit Chloe as she jumped up from the floor, wrapping me in a bear hug. "Maybe little Dickie could help us after all!" Chloe cheered before pulling away with disgust written all over her face. "Let's try and clean up. We look ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! And stop blushing every time you hear his name. I swear you're more innocent than a nun." She said rolling her eyes, new determination in her voice, knowing that Lie-la's days of lying are numbered.

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