Chapter 5. Bar mitzvah

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Karen strolled into Kat's room and stopped as she saw her in front of the mirror.

"What're you wearing?" She asked. Kat eyed herself in the mirror then looked at Karen. They were dressed almost exactly the same.

She wore black skinny jeans and a black tank with her favorite black leather jacket and her trademark black ankle boots. Karen wore almost the exact same outfit. The only difference was the black leather jacket she wore which bore the Vampire Captain badge. And while Kat's boots were heeled, Karen's were flat bottomed.

"Practically the same thing you're wearing. What's wrong with it?" Kat asked.

"It's different. Mine is uniform. You on the other hand look like you're about to go rob a bank" Karen teased.

"Well we are sneaking into King Cain's library. Might as well blend in"

"You're sneaking. I'm authorized to go in" Karen winked.

Kat rolled her eyes. "We should get going. What did you tell Damon and Chris about what's wrong with me?" Kat asked as they strolled out of her room. When she fell asleep before dinner the day before, she didn't wake up untill the next day.

"Mom told them that you lost your mate bond through some spell and it's affecting you. She didn't however tell them that it was transferred to them. If they were thinking clearly they probably would have connected the dots. But their bond is clouding their judgement. I guess it's so unusual because it isn't theirs to begin with" they reached the living room where their Mom and Dad sat talking. Damon had gone to school already.

"It's a good thing because they would be devastated if they find out that they're part of the reason I was hurting. Hey Mom, hey Dad" Kat said. She had eaten breakfast before her parents were down so she hadn't seen them that morning, unlike Karen who ate with them.

"Hi sweetie how're you feeling?" Her dad asked as they both came up to her.

"Pretty great" she replied with a smile.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Her mom asked.

"Think of it this way, whenever the pain comes back, only King Cain knows how to drive it away. I'll be in his castle so if it does come back he's not far and can immediately help me"

"She does have a point" Karen said.

"Fine" her mom said and kissed her head.

"Be safe" said her dad as he too kissed her head. Then they drew Karen aside and began to whisper. Kat rolled her eyes. They were done in a few minutes and with that, Karen picked Kat up bridal style and sped away toward Canada. Normally it would take about four hours, give or take a few minutes, to get to Canada from California where they lived by plane but Karen and most powerful vampires could run there in minutes.

They arrived and Kat took a minute to run her hands through her bright red hair. She honestly hated the color. She had tried dying it before but it never worked. The dye always washed off.

"How come your hair always stays great after you've gone for a run?" She asked Karen who looked just as perfect as she did when they left the house, her chocolate brown hair perfectly okay and not even a hint of strain in her bright blue eyes.

"It's comes with the territory" she said and laughed. They began walking and Kat looked up and gasped. The castle was magnificent. It was a large modern style castle, although the structure itself seemed to retain it's antiquity.

The front looked empty but Kat could feel eyes on them as they approached. Before they could open the gate, two male vampires appeared seemingly from nowhere. One was very muscular and large, but he had the kindest brown eyes and his brown hair was cut close to his skull and styled. The other was more on the lanky side. He was blonde and his hair fell to his shoulders although he tied it with a band to keep it away from his face, Kat assumed. He had the coldest gray eyes that watched her with suspicion.

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