Chapter 14. Naughty

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"It's not what you think Kat" Karen defended.

"Really what is it then? Hell I don't know what I think so please tell me what's going on" she said.  She distinctly heard Bub chuckle but she chose to ignore it for now.

"Um Kat, Cain's my beloved" well. Of all the things she expected to hear by way of explanation from her sister this was not even on the list. Beloved was to a vampire what a mate was to werewolves.

"Is this another one of Aldron's spells?" Kat asked.

"Don't be silly Katrina, Aldron's magic cannot affect me" Cain seemed to have found his tongue.

"Wanna talk about silly, you're naked in bed with my sister and you're surrounded by me, the devil and my best friend" she deadpanned.

He seemed to remember his state of undress then.

"On that very note, could you all give us some privacy to get dressed" it was phrased like a question but it was clearly a command. Well he wasn't in the position to give commands.

"How long have you known?" She asked, her voice betraying some of the hurt she felt at not being informed.

"A bit after I started working here two years ago" Karen replied.

"Why haven't you announced it to the vampire court that they have a Queen? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's honestly a long story but I didn't want anyone to think that I was rising through the ranks simply because I was beloved to the King and general commander of the army. I didn't want them to think less of me. I especially didn't want you to think that of me"

"Karen I would never have thought that. You are the strongest, bravest and most moral person I know. I'm positive you got where you are today because of your skill and merit and not because of your beloved" Karen smiled in thanks. Kat returned the smile.

"Okay this is so awkward. Could we please leave them to get dressed?" Jan asked.

"Awkward? I'm totally enjoying this!" Bub said.

"You evil bastard. You knew they were in here and you knew what they were doing didn't you?" Bub just shrugged at Kat's accusations.

"Katrina, you're breaking my rules by breaking into my castle for the second time. I'll forgive that if you leave us to get dressed so we can have a mature conversation" Cain offered.

"Right" they all cleared out to the chamber's living room. A few minutes later Cain and Karen joined her.

"Kat I know you're hurt that I didn't tell you guys but-" "It's ok Karen. I understand. And you know if you all really want me to drop this investigation I will. But you all owe me ice cream. Bub please take Janice and I home" she linked her arms with Jan and Bub. He looked confused but beamed them to her room nonetheless.

"Thanks Bub. Don't forget my ice cream" he rolled his eyes and disappeared.

"Okay we're alone now. Spill. What's really going on?" Jan flopped down on Kat's bed and she joined her.

"While we were talking I happened to spy the blade replica which they didn't hide well by the way. I recognized it immediately from the pictures in the book. I recognized the engraved symbol that was absent from the pictures. It's of the Dalia clan. They're a clan within Azarath. They're reportedly one of the most powerful witch clan to ever live and were extinct during the great war" Kat replied.

"Well that was more a strategic manoeuver than a war. But if they're extinct then we're chasing a dead end. We need to figure out another angle"

"Not really. You didn't hear this from me, or from anyone. In fact you didn't hear this at all, but I know the last remaining Dalia witch"

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