Chapter 13. Halloween costume

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It had been a while since Kat took a walk. She missed the feel of fresh air on her skin and the wonderful smell of the great outdoors. Of course she didn't miss all the people in it but hey, at least she made an effort.

After waking up that morning she decided she needed to go on a walk and clear her head. She didn't have a class and thought, why not? So she dressed in skinny jeans and a soft blue sweatshirt and sneakers and walked out. Her parents were really worried about her going out on her own but she wouldn't budge so they got her mom's best friend and very powerful witch, Hilda to cast a protection spell on her. So she was free. She had an apple on her way and just enjoyed the sights and sounds. That is until she sighted, no pun intended, Aldron standing a few feet in front of her. She contemplated turning around and just walking away like she didn't see him but he was already coming over with a threat in his eyes.

"I told you to stay away from him Princess" he drawled. His hair was in a high ponytail that reached mid back and his eeiry amber eyes stared daggers at her.

"You can't touch me, I have a protection spell right now" she continued walking. He followed.

"No but I can hurt someone on this street, human or not" Kat rolled her eyes even as her heart began to beat faster.

"What makes you think I care about strangers?" She asked in what she hoped was a disinterested tone.

"Who said anything about strangers?" He gestured across the street by the corner where Jan stood, waving Kat over. She couldn't see Aldron from where she stood.

"Leave my friends alone!"

"Leave Logan alone. Leave my plans alone"

"What do you want with me?" She whispered harshly. Not that Jan could hear them from where she stood.

"I want the prophecy. I don't care about the beginning of the end. I just want the power!" Kat laughed.

"Jeeze it's always prophecies with you guys. At least try to be origi-" she was cut off abruptly and instead gasped in shock. She was suddenly surrounded by Jinns.

"Leave the girl alone" one of them said. Okay now Kat was confused. At first they wanted to kidnap her then they wanted to save her?

"At the risk of being cliche, you don't scare me" Aldron said, folding his arms across his chest and leaning on a wall to present a disinterested look.

"You don't have the power to defeat us all right now and neither does she. Leave now before we hurt you" this time, it was the same Jinn that she assumed was the leader from their attack at the forest who spoke.

"You can't kill me. That is not your destiny" he said smugly.

"It is a direct order Aldron. Leave" leader Jinn said. All the Jinn took fighting positions.

"You know I think I'm interrupting. If you guys wanna fight let me just get out of your way..." Kat began walking backwards. She tried to break through the circle of Jinn but it was like trying to break through reinforced steel.

"Stay here. He'll capture you if you leave. The spell the witch put on you isn't strong enough to keep him away. He'll find a way around it soon enough" the Jinn in front of her said.

"Oh you mean like you tried to capture me in the woods? I think I'll take my chances alone" she tried again. Nothing.

"Believe me you're better off with us than with him" another one said, scoffing at the end of the sentence.

"Fine" she said. They let their guard down as they turned to once more focus on Aldron and she broke free and ran as quickly as she could. Even though she wasn't a vampire or werewolf, she still had enhanced speed. She was almost as fast as a werewolf in human form and that was saying something because they were faster than the average car without turning.

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