Chapter 28. Azarath clan

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Kat kissed her mom's cheek and then did the same to her dad. She then exited their room to let them sleep. They'd stayed up worrying and fussing about what happened with the council. They wanted her as far away from Kayden and Arazmus as possible. She finally calmed them down by saying she'd try her best to stay away from them. She lied of course but they were so anxious to hear her say the words that they believed her. She had to get to the bottom of that feeling she felt when Kayden crumpled to the ground under Arazmus's spell. It wasn't something she felt on her own, it wasn't coming from within her and yet it was the most natural thing she'd ever felt.

She walked into her room and sighed. Kayden was sprawled on her bed flipping through a book. He looked completely at home and yet so foreign in her little room. He raised his beautiful blue eyes to her and smiled a panty dropping smile.

"They finally asleep?" He asked. She nodded. He sat up in the bed to make room for her. She sat beside him and pulled the covers over her even though she didn't feel cold. She also didn't feel heat so the soft duvet on her skin would provide her comfort.

"What's the deal with the whole promise thing with Freaky witch?" Kat asked.

"Well before I was born in the magical realm, my father wanted a union with the Azarath clan and their family was one of the only ones expecting a girl. My father knew I was a boy so he got them to agree to marry us so that an alliance would be formed. But now my father isn't in the picture any more and I don't have to honor a deal made in my absence" he said it like he was trying to convince himself.

"Personally, I don't think you do. What's the deal with the Azarath clan anyway?"

"What do you know about them?" He asked back. She pursed her lips in thought.

"Well I know that they're really powerful and that the blade of Azarath came from there obviously"

He nodded. "Well Azarath was the village that the great gods, the creators of the magical realm settled in after their fight. When they slept there their powers spread throughout the land and through it's inhabitants. It was just a fraction but power direct from the great gods was enough to make them the most powerful witches in the magical realm. Eventually, news of this spread and creatures stormed the village to take some of the power but there was none left in the land, it had been absorbed by the people and try as they may, they couldn't find the exact resting place of the gods so they began harassing the witches, trying to get the power. There was a battle and as in all battles there were casualties. But the village was a small one to begin with so reducing their numbers made it so that Azarath witches became few. They fled to a forest and resided there, protecting it with a powerful spell that hindered anyone from entering. Decades after, people stopped hunting them and they eventually moved back to their old village which had been consumed by the forest growing around it. No one could find the exact spot where the gods descended again, not even the natives"

"You know if they taught stuff like this in supernatural history perhaps I'd have been more keen to learn and I wouldn't have gotten that damned A minus" Kayden laughed.

"I guess so"

"So she's one of the few Azarath witches left. That's why she was so powerful. Her powers felt so strong. If she'd actually sided with Arazmus and helped detain you..?" She let the question hang in the air.

"Yeah I probably would have been toast. Normally I could hold my own but with the amount of power I'm using to-" he stopped abruptly and glanced at her to see if she noticed his almost slip up. She did.

"Come on, complete the statement" she said. He sighed.

"I really don't want to Kitty" she narrowed her eyes.

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