Chapter 32. Bonding

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"I was thirteen. This was before Ash showed up. Those few months after my birthday were especially hard because of the bullying but also because I felt lost. If I wasn't a vampire or a werewolf, who was I? The kids weren't making it any better. They'd say mean things to me that I'd reply to with witty replies which put them in their place but at home I'd cry for hours because I believed what they were saying. One day, someone, I don't remember who, threw a party near a lake in the woods. It was a senior but basically the whole school was invited. Jan didn't want to go but I did. I wanted to taste what being grown up felt like. Plus I was invited personally by one of the then popular kids. I was happy, maybe they were finally accepting me. It was dark, no one was swimming. But a bunch of kids asked me to come with them at the mouth of the lake, I don't even remember their reason. But I went. When I was standing there they began saying these horrible things and telling me I was a useless excuse of a child and no one would ever want me around, much less love me. When I tried to walk away because I'd had enough, one of them shoved me into the lake. It was cold, so cold. I don't normally feel cold but even I knew that was cold. Everytime I tried to swim up, some mer person would move the water over my head again so I'd be submerged. I couldn't breathe. There was water in my eyes and my nose and mouth and I just couldn't breathe!" Kat paused to gasp for breath and Kayden held her in his arms till she calmed down.

"Jan finally found them and she dived in and got me out. By then I was already half passed out. I don't remember much from there. But I've never gotten into a body of water since then"

"I know it was long ago and they're kids but I am so pissed at them I have half a mind to hunt them all down and-" "It's okay. It's fine. They were just kids. I'm not holding a grudge anymore" Kat said. She could feel him shaking with anger and just snuggled deeper into his embrace.

"Can I take you somewhere?" He asked. Kat grinned and nodded. Soon, they were in the sky.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Do I ever tell you before we land?"


The flight, so to speak, ended way too soon. They landed and Kat glared at him.

"Oh no. Take me back home or I swear I'll kill you!" She screamed. He brought them, well she didn't know where they were. All she noticed, all she could focus on was the large lake in front of them.

"Kat, calm down. Let's have a picnic" she narrowed her eyes at him.

"You're not gonna try getting me in the water?"

"Not until you're ready"

She nodded.

"How do we have a picnic without food?" She asked, laughing.

"One second" he said. And before her eyes, he disappeared and reappeared a second later holding a picnic basket and a blanket. This brought back déjà vu but she chose not to mention it. Probably because he wouldn't like to be reminded of the guy before him. No one did.

"Man of your word" she joked. She helped him set up despite his protests, then they lay back on the blanket, not too interested in the food.

"Don't you have like, people who work for you or something?" She asked.

"I do. But I prefer doing most things on my own. I mean if I can, why not right?" She grinned.


"He's just stuck up really. Thinks he's too good for us" a voice said from beside them. Kat squealed and threw the closest thing she could find at him. It was a rock.

"Ouch!" He grumbled. He rubbed his hand over his sandy brown hair. When he opened his eyes, she looked into their grey depths and recognized him.

"You're the Jinn that tried to kidnap me" Kat accused.

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