Chapter 24. Bury the hatchet

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Things in her life were relatively calm. Well as calm as it could be with the nightmares she kept having this time about the torture. God she was so tired of being so afraid in her sleep. Everytime she woke up though, she shoved the feelings in a back drawer in the furthest place in her mind and tried to forget about it. Her mind was currently working on overdrive trying to figure out what everyone wanted from her. She resumed her research with Jan which she had to put on pause due to finals. She kept hinting at spending time at Jan's house sometimes but she pushed it away every time. She also felt something was wrong with Chris but again, she wouldn't talk to her. She felt like everything in her life was just out of reach and the one thing she lacked was knowledge. If she didn't know how could she help Chris with him what she was going through? How could she help Jan get through whatever her problem was with her home life? And she couldn't even talk to Marie since they were keeping her location under wraps. Plus she had to constantly worry about what Aldron was up to. It was a lot and so she went to her best distraction. Banter.

"Hey doofus" she said to Damon as he strode into his room. She was on his bed and he jumped in shock.

"What are you doing in my room you nerd?" He complained.

"Oh please, you need me in here to class up the place. It was a dump when I came in"

"It became a dump because you walked in. That's what usually happens when garbage occupies a space"

"You know I think you're getting better at this insult thing. Guess I know what you've been spending all your time doing. Definitely ain't school with what I saw"

"What did you see?" He asked.

"I'm a teacher's assistant. I filled in your grades sweetie. Better luck next year"

"Idiot, I've already checked my results on the website and I passed"

"A 'P' isn't considered a passing grade sweetheart"

"What are you doing in my room anyway?" He asked as he took a seat beside her on the bed.

"Well I was tired of having intellectual conversations and decided to come talk to you for a change"

"Speaking of change. That outfit? Really?" She rolled her eyes.

"Yes I'll take fashion advice from someone who throws on the closest thing he can find everyday"

"And still somehow always looks better than you and I catch more eyes everywhere I go"

"People often prefer to look at disasters"

He laughed and shoved her slightly.

"So how are things with Chris?" She asked.

She glanced at him and he was actually blushing!

"Aww you cutie, you're blushing!" She teased.

"Shut up weirdo"

"Really though, how are things with you guys since you found out that your bond was just a spell?"

"Well it's been... weird. She won't talk to me anymore. It's funny I can remember all the things we did and said to each other. But I can't remember the feelings. It's like they never existed"

Kat sighed.

"I'm sorry Bro. But they really never existed. It was just a stupid spell from stupid Aldron"

"Yeah but to share something like that with someone only to have it suddenly ripped away. It's hard" Kat pulled him into a side hug.

"Believe me I know how that feels. I'm really sorry. How do you really feel about it though?"

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