Chapter 17. What a day

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She fooled them. She told them she would be okay if she didn't have to watch if they gave her back. It took them a while to believe her but when she explained she didn't believe Julian would bother coming for Marie they finally did. Pfft. She was a psych major. She knew behavior and she knew that possessive people, even though they didn't care about the object of their obsession, would chase it to the ends of the earth to exert their dominance and thereby compensate for their lack of control in other aspects of their lives. They should've known she wouldn't think that way. But they were so desperate for her forgiveness they didn't even think. Bub had his doubts but that was okay. He wouldn't find out what she was up to anyway.

She'd been reading up on the history of the castle, it's secret passages, and the old one it was built upon. She'd break Marie out before the Ker found out she was even there.

"Hey beautiful" Kat said as she waltzed into Marie's room.

Marie sat on the window seat and stared, forlorn outside.

"They can't protect me can they?" She asked without turning away.


"They can't protect me from him"

"They can't. But I will"

Finally, she turned to face Kat.

"No! You've been punched and slapped and kicked by Julie enough defending me all these years. If you do this, if you stand in his way again he could kill you"

"Oh he's not gonna find out. You don't have to worry okay. Look I came here to take your mind off these things. Let's go have fun!"

Marie argued but Kat pulled her up.

"Come on. How long has it been since we hung out?"

"I'm sorry about that really. It's just that Julie didn't like me hanging out with you and-" "No, no. No more talk about him. Let's go talk to the girls"

Kat pulled Marie into her room where Chris and Jan lay on her bed.

"Hey guys" Marie said from Kat's back.

"Hey Marie" they chorused.

"Come sit" Kat said and pulled her to the bed. It was large enough that the four of them could sit comfortably without even touching if they wanted.

"So guys, guess what?" Chris sang.

"What?" Kat asked with an eye roll and a smile. Jan didn't look up from her novel.

"It's color week!"

"Says who?" Kat asked. Jan dog-eared her book and kept it aside.

"Says me. Or well, technically, says our friend calendar" Color week was something they had since highschool. For a week they would wear one color or another, usually chosen by Chris because they couldn't care less and were okay wearing the color she picked. Usually.

"But we usually do it during school" Jan argued. It wasn't that they didn't love the tradition. Really they did. It was just that Chris tended to go a little overboard with it.

"I know but with everything that was happening with my fake bond with Damon and Kat's stuff and all, we didn't get to do it"

Kat could clearly remember when Damon and Chris rushed into her room at 3am in the morning to apologize to her. When Kat and Logan's mate bond was restored, theirs was removed and they got to thinking. Eventually they figured out that Kat's and Logan's bond was taken away and given to them. They realized all the times that Kat had been going through pain they had something to do with it and they were so sorry. They also didn't know how to behave around each other and it was honestly so funny.

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