Chapter 33. Kylie

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Everyone stared at him for a while, then quickly averted their eyes. On his part, Jason stayed still and observed them. His eyes moved between all three of them, then landed on Kat. He was suddenly right in front of her. She gasped and stumbled back.

"Hey Kat, what's up?"

"Um hi Jason. So you can also do that trick where they call your name and you come running. It's pretty neat. How do you guys do it?"

"Oh it's not that hard. It's just like when someone calls your name when you're close by. You hear and you go right? But we just do it from further away. So, what do you guys wanna tell me?"

"Um that was for Bub to say" Kat replied. He hummed.

"Ok then. Lucy" he was in front of Bub suddenly. "I get the feeling I won't like what you're supposed to tell me"

Bub looked at Kat. She gave him an encouraging nod.

"Rosa" Bub began and stopped there to take a deep breath. Jason's eyes widened when his sister's name was mentioned.

"What about Ro?"

"She's alive Jay"

He frowned. He took a step backwards. Then another.

"I don't understand what you're saying right now Lucy"

"She didn't die that night. We did get ambushed like I told you and they were trying to steal her powers. I just left out the part that she was alive and well. I didn't want anyone to know that the last Dalia witch was still alive. So I faked her death"

Jason shook his head.

"This can't be true. Why are you saying all this if it isn't true?!" He exclaimed.

"I give you my word Jay, it's true"

Tears rolled out of his eyes.

"She's alive? And you kept it from me?" His voice was numb, no emotion attached.

"Jay he meant well-" "And you knew too Kay?"

"I found out yes but I promised I'd let him tell you when he was ready"

"When he's ready. So meanwhile I should walk around thinking the best fucking little sister anyone could ask for was dead. My little Ro" his voice broke at her name.

"Jay please-" but Bub didn't complete his sentence because Jason punched him straight in the nose.

"You fucker!" Jason screamed and kept punching and kicking. Bub did nothing to defend himself.

Kat stood there in shock. She had never seen Jason anything but indifferent or with a slight smile. She caught herself quickly though.

"Jase please! He thought he was doing the best thing for her. Try to understand it from his point" Kat begged. He stopped and turned to her.

"You knew too Kat?" He began walking toward her but Kayden walked in front of him.

"You can take it out on us however you want but you're not laying a finger on her" he said sternly.

"You thought I'd hurt her? Fuck you!" He shoved Kayden so hard he flew away and slammed into a tree.

Jason began to burn with the same blue flame that Bub used to burn her. That brought back terrible memories and she stumbled away from him.

"Fuck all of you! Kat we've been friends for so long, since middle school and you knew the sister that I told you I loved more than life was alive and you didn't tell me?"

"Jason it wasn't my place to meddle with your family affairs. It was Bub's secret to tell, not mine"

"And you" he continued, ignoring her. "you tell the truth all the damn time. The one time I could've used it, you hid it from me"

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