Epilogue. Vision

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"Come on. You can do it" Kayden said.

"Well I've tried like a million times now and I still haven't gotten it!" Kat threw her arms up in exasperation.

"You've only tried twice" Bub deadpanned.

"Give her a break. She's new to this " Jason defended.

"Thank you Jase" Kat said smugly.

"You keep babying her she'll never learn" Bub told Jase.

"Well you keep snarling she'll never learn" Jason defended.

Kat laughed. They were trying to teach her to run really fast. Obviously it wasn't going well. The first and only time she'd done it she'd been consumed by anger. But she couldn't seem to conjure it at will.

"Can you both shut up. Kat concentrate. Just calm down, take a deep breath and just do it. It's a part of you" Kayden said. She took a deep breath and looked into herself. She felt rather than saw the speed of vampirism. She tapped into it and ran. She opened her eyes and sighed.

"See nothing"

But looking around her, she gasped in shock. She could barely see where they were anymore. She was high on top a mountain, miles away from them.

"I did it!" She cheered.

"Hold on, how do I get back?!" She yelled.

She could hear the distinct sounds of laughter. They were laughing at her! The nerve.

Incase it wasn't obvious, this is the vision Kat had amongst her many visions that she knew would come true for sure, the one that made her smile.

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