Chapter 29. Dinner and a show

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It was tense. No, tense was far too kind a word to use. The clinking of the cutlery on the plates and the sound of glasses hitting the table was all that was heard. Everyone tried to focus on the food but really their eyes kept darting, watching one another. With suspicion, disdain, scorn. 

"So, is anyone gonna confess?" Their dad finally asked.

"I swear it wasn't me!" Kat said.

"Well it had to be one of you because I didn't do it"

"Mom how do we know that?" Damon fired back.

"Because I would never do such a thing to my own family!" She said sounding incensed that they would even consider her. But everyone was a suspect. Guilty until proven innocent.

"What about father? He's known for doing stuff like this and getting away with it by claiming the dad card" Kat suggested with a glare at her father whose eyes widened in shock.

"That was before. It was my past. But I don't do it anymore. I've been clean, you know that!"

"So who was it then? Who ate the last ice cream?!" Her mom asked. The looks were passed around again.

"Katrina Jolene Kaif, you were heartbroken last night. You could have taken it to comfort yourself" their father suggested. All eyes turned to her.

"I didn't leave! Kayden can vouch for me when he gets here later. I never left my room. Plus I know the rule. Once you're the one that takes the last ice cream no matter the time, you take some money from the ice cream jar and replace it. I wouldn't have risked that in the middle of the night!" Kat rose to her defense.

"Someone better confess or the family Christmas trip is off" there was a collective gasp at their mother's words.

"You wouldn't" Damon challenged.

"Oh I would" she said with narrowed eyes boring deeply into his.

"Fine! I confess! I was thinking about Chris and it's chocolate ice cream! I had to have some. So I came down and I ate it all!" Damon cried. Everyone gasped again.

"How could you?" Their mother cried.

"Hold on mom" Kat raised her hand to stop her mother. "Why didn't you replace it as soon as you got up this morning?"

"I didn't think anyone would notice so quickly!"

"So it was just not your luck that I was craving some chocolaty goodness this morning and checked" Kat said. Damon sighed and nodded.

"What's my punishment?" He asked his parents in defeat.

"One month without ice cream"

Kat gasped.

"Mom that's just too cruel! Dad, do something"

He pulled his wife close to him and they whispered for a while.

"Fine. His sentence is that he has to buy this supply from his own money"

"But I was saving up for a car so Kat could have the one we share" he complained.

"Our decision is final" their dad said. Damon sighed.

"I'll lend you some money bro" Karen said from the kitchen door.

"When did you get here?" Kat asked as she pulled her into a hug.

"A few moments ago. I see you all still take your ice cream seriously around here?" Karen teased. She was the odd ball of the family in that aspect. She didn't like ice cream. No it would be wrong to say she didn't like it. She could take it every once in a while but that was it. It was odd. The whole family loved ice cream. They'd kill for ice cream.

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