Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Suddenly I was running all over camp just to see if anyone has seen him recently, my heart was in my ears, speeding up as one by one everyone told me they haven't seen him. The world around me was starting to spin out if control. Our whole lives over always know where Grayson was, even before all of this.

I rushed back to Daryl's tent, every step I took I felt like I couldn't breathe. At first I couldn't find my ax, that only made me panic more, I started ripping everything apart. I only stopped when I heard paper rustling. I threw my sleeping bag out of the way, under it was a note.

Don't worry, I'll be back
I have to see it for myself


At first I was confused, then it hit me and my stomach fell to my toes, he's going to the house. At first I felt relieved, but as quickly as I felt that it turned back into panic. I honestly had no idea if Grayson could handle Walkers alone, what was he thinking! Why would he go without me? I would have taken him myself.

I turned ready to rush to my car and then froze, it's gone, he took my fucking car. My blood started to boil, how the hell would I catch up with him now? At first, my sights set on Daryl's bike but then I realized how bad the consequences would be on that one, bad idea. Quickly I realized I could ask him to take me, I was almost certain he wouldn't turn me down.

Only problem is, I haven't seen him either, at least with him I didn't have to worry about him getting himself killed. I caught sight of Rick, my feet were already at a dead sprint towards him.

"Rick!" I called out, his eyes filled with confusion as he took in my appearance, I know I must look like hell.

"Hey, hey, calm down. What's wrong?" He quickly questioned me, his fatherly instinct taking over.

"Do you have any idea where Daryl is? Or Hershel? I need a car, it's Grayson, he took my car and left I have to-"

Rick put a hand on my shoulder as he cut me off, "don't worry, I'll talk to Hershel and get us a car."

"Us?" I questioned.

"You really think I'm going to let you go alone?" He said tilting his head at me. I started to shake my head, Lori would lose her shit if he left again and  really do not feel like dealing with her but he was already heading into the farm house. I didn't follow, I think I was in slight shock, he didn't even hesitate...


Before I knew it we were on the road, I still couldn't believe that he was here with me. We sat in silence for half the ride, I couldn't find the words to say to him, thank you? It didn't feel like enough.

"Is it your hometown that we're heading to?" He asked, I didn't answer at first, when he looked over at me I couldn't help but nod. I didn't want to start talking about my home, that would lead to have to talk about my family. I got away with it with Daryl but I'm pretty sure it was only because it seemed like Daryl wasn't to big on family in the first place.


"You don't have to apologize, you guys are apart of this group, this family, now and we take care of each other," his words sent a shiver downy spine, family? This this what actually family is supposed to be like? Feel like?

"Family..." I whispered, Rick heard me but didn't say anything else but his eyes filled with sadness as he looked over at me.

"Can I ask?" I didn't even have to question what he wanted to ask me. I just had decide if it was time to unvail my trama.

"Yeah, you can ask but I honestly don't know how to... How even try"

"You really don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable," he said quickly backtracking trying not to upset me. I didn't speak, I sat there unable to meet his curios eyes. I had never told anyone what went on behind closed door at home, not even my closest friends. Gray knew and slightly understand but at the same time he didn't.

"Um, okay... Here we go,"

*A/N: Hey guys, I'm so happy getting back into writing this story and I'll try to update again soon! Please vote and leave a comment, I appreciate all of you!*

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