Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Luce... you were shot," Grayson whispered as if it was painful for him even to admit out loud. I, on the other hand, couldn't believe my ears as he continued, "What do you remember then?"

"There was a deer... Carl- Carl was so close to the deer, we were so close that we could almost touch it. So close that I saw our reflection in its simple black eyes... it didn't seem afraid of us. I also remember the sudden pain, I felt as if my skin was ripped apart and that's when everything went dark..." I explained picturing the deer all over again, taken back by the beauty of the moment. "Where are we?" I asked again as I tried to lay onto my back again only to feel the pain jolt through me again, "and whose damn idea was it to lay me on my back?!" I hissed out pushing myself onto my side.

Grayson chuckled at bit at my comment "The man that shot you, he brought us here. Rick carried you all the way," a tear fell from his left eye as he spoke, "he's the one that saved your life." 

"Grayson... are you okay?" I asked softly surprised at his tears, he was always the happy go lucky guy. Even when our parents died he didn't shed a single tear for them. 

"That's what I should be asking you," he scuffed harshly as he looked over at me, "I shouldn't have let you go."

"Gray..." I whispered trailing off trying to find the words to tell him it wasn't his fault. How he wouldn't have been able to stop me even if he had tried to.

"You could have died!" He cried out pushing himself off of the bed, his volume louder than it needed to be, "I let you go... it would have been all my fault if you would have... if you didn't make it." My mouth dropped open at his words, it was crazy that the thought of death hadn't even crossed my mind since he told me I was shot. I waited for him to say something else, anything else but no more words came. 

"How did it happen?" I asked still unsure how it happened, there was no way that the bullet would have hit me the way it did. I was staring straight on with the deer, if I was shot how did the bullet hit me in my back instead of the side. There was something he wasn't telling me. 

"You risked your life to save Carl's," he confessed tearing up again as he spoke, "Rick told me that you jumped into action just as the gun went off, like you sensed something that he and Shane didn't. Rick didn't even think about anything else, he picked you up and started running, he didn't stop until he made it here."

"Where is here?" I asked again for the third time hoping this time to get an answer to the question. At first, Grayson remained silent as he watch something out the window which made my blood boil but before I could get any words of anger out he spoke. 

"We're on a family's farm, the man that shot you told Rick how to get here-"

"Why do you keep calling him 'the man', he has a name, its not like me meant to shoot me Gray," I interrupted annoyed with the title Grayson put on him, it was easy to see that my words made him upset. 

"He could have killed you!"

"But he didn't," I protested slightly taken back by his anger towards the whole situation which I understood to an extent. Silence fell over the room quickly but neither of us attempted to break it. I still had so many questions that needed answers but both of us are too stubborn for either one of us to speak first. At this moment I attempted to understand more of where he was coming from and came up blank. Until I pictured how I would feel if it would have been him fighting for his life on this bed making a bit of anger fill my veins.

"I'm sorry," I whispered quietly hoping he didn't hear incase I decided to take the apology back but luck was not on my side theses days. A smirk played across his face letting me know he heard me. "But it's not his fault, where is he?" I added making his face fall. 

"He's dead." Grayson hissed harshly his hands balling into fists, I couldn't believe my ears.

"What did you do?" I asked softly hoping that I was wrong with the assumption that Grayson was the reason for the mans death. I knew I should have kept my mouth shut as his eyes grew cold as he looked at me.

"I didn't do anything. Otis and Shane went to get a machine that would help save your life, Shane came back, Otis didn't. If you wanna find someone to blame for his death talk to Shane," and with that he stormed out of the room leaving me with my thoughts. What did he mean talk to Shane? Does he know something more than he's letting on? Only time will tell at this point. 

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