Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Maggie easily found the group, who were following the stream with it being Sophia's only landmark they thought maybe they could find her. Maggie came up on her horse looking for anyone in the group with the same skin tone as Lucy. When she saw Grayson, there was no doubt in her mind that was Lucy's brother. They looked too much alike to not be able to see it. Maggie couldn't help but rush out her words as she tried to get him to come with her, her father could only stop the bleeding for so long before too much blood was lost. 

Maggie didn't listen to anyone as she spoke her words, not until Grayson was coming with her did she turn her attention to the rest of the group. "Rick said you had others on the highway, that big traffic snarl? Backtrack to Fairburn Road. Two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mailbox-- Name's Greene-- Hi-yah!" As fast as she was here, she was gone. Glenn was mesmerized by the girl on the horse. Everyone was at a loss for words and wondered what had happened. 



Shane made it back just in time; just when everyone was giving up hope. Grayson had given three transfusions by the time Shane walked through the door. He was beating himself up over the last conversation that he had with his sister. He didn't mean to forget she existed. Glenn was the first male around his age they had found. He didn't know if Lucy was going to pull through, he knew she was strong enough to, the question was if he wanted her to. If she died in this bed tonight he would be okay with that, she would no longer be in pain, she would be free of this word. He hated himself even more for his thoughts. 

Rick made his way to the porch, after he put Carl down for bed. He was still wearing his shirt covered in Lucy's blood, his mind was scattered with all the thoughts he was having in the short amount of time. Shane followed Rick out, he was there for support but he needed to get his point across. 

"Rick-" Shane attempted but was cut off by Rick.

"We can't leave her Shane," Rick said, shaking his head, he was disgusted by Shane at the moment. Shane had told Rick that Lucy would have been in good hands here with the Greene's, he said that they should leave her behind and get a move on, going to Fort Benning like they planned in the first place. Rick wasn't having any of it. 

"They haven't even been with us that long-"

"She saved Carl's life, it could have been Carl on that bed if she didn't..." Rick sprung to his feet and was face to face with Shane. "We can't leave her, or Sophia, she's still out there Shane!" Rick had tried to explain this to Shane earlier but he could tell it went in one ear and out the other. If the situation was different, Shane would have a good point. Lucy and Grayson just joined their group a few days ago, it should be easy to move on and leave them in the hands of someone else but Lucy risked her life to save Carl. 

"Why did you go?" Rick suddenly asked after a few seconds of silence between the two catching Shane off guard.

"What?" Shane quipped no sure exactly what Rick was asking but Rick knew better, he knew that Shane was just trying to avoid the question, he wasn't giving up that easy.

"Why did you go with Otis to get the medical equipment to save her life if she really means that little to you?" Rick made it clear what he was asking so Shane couldn't play dumb a second time. Shane had to think for a second, why did he do it? He really couldn't think of a real reason why he risked his neck to save this colored woman. 

"Man, if I wouldn't have gone you would have. Carl needed you here, I couldn't let you go and leave him here to have him wonder if you were coming back," Rick listened to Shane's words, he didn't know if his words were true butt he didn't push the topic any further. 

Grayson stood in the opened doorway listening to each word spoken between the two on the porch. His blood boiled with the way Shane was talking about his sister like she was nothing, Grayson was starting to regret trusting these people so fast even thought Shane was the only one who was showing he could not be trusted. Grayson wanted to confront Shane in that very moment about the bullshit coming from him mouth but he had to be focused on Lucy until her got to see her green eyes again. 

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