Chapter 3 *Edited*

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Chapter 3

They continued to stare at us. No one dared to breathe a word, but the longer they looked at us, the more uncomfortable I felt. I knew they were testing to see if we were planning on attacking them. My hands started to shake. We were out numbered. If they decided to kill us, we would be screwed.

I looked to Grayson. His eyes never left the group. A small gasp fell from my lips as he started to lower his weapon. I wanted to trust my brother's instinct, but my doubt had already set in, and I was scared. For the first time since this started, we've finally found other survivors, and they could be the last if they decided we're worth the risk of trying to take us out.

"Ma'am, please put the gun down before you hurt yourself," a man said, I wanted to laugh at the sheriff outfit that he was wearing.

The man lowered his gun as an attempt to show my brother an I his group weren't a threat to us, but his bowman made me feel like I had to be on high alert. We didn't know these people, one wrong move, and I'd have an arrow sticking out of my skull.

Sheriff noticed my unease but didn't say a word to the man, who, might I add, still was aiming at my head. I couldn't help but look back at Grayson for what to do, but he hadn't changed his stance. Once our eyes locked, he threw his weapon back into the trunk, never breaking eye contact, trying to plead for me to do the same. Gun still in hand, I was conflicted. I trusted my twin, but what if he was wrong? How can he put so much trust in these people so quickly?

Slowly and unsurely, my gun came down next to my side. I refused to throw it in the trunk as my brother did. No one seemed to know what to do next. As I tried to imagine different ways to get out of this, the sheriff spoke

"Where are you headin'?" He asked as the Bowman eased up, but he still kept a speculative eye on us. His finger is still on the trigger. He didn't trust us just like I didn't trust them. Everyone had their guards up.

"None of your damn business," I hissed, turning my back to them as I started packing the guns back up, ready to leave the group behind, but Grayson had other ideas.

"Do y'all have a camp?" He asked almost innocently, but I knew better than that, I knew where he was going with this. He wouldn't dare look at me, knowing that I was pissed with about what he was about to do.

"None of yer damn business!" Bowman hissed before sheriff could speak. The man's voice fits him perfectly. He definitely had a country drawl. Just his look alone screamed redneck but his voice just confirmed it. I couldn't help but keep my eyes fixed on this man. Even from here, I could see his cloudy blue eyes. I was only able to look away from him when his eyes met mine, making a chill flow through my body.

"We are on the road, for the time being, I'm Rick, by the way," sheriff, I mean Rick, said, giving Redneck a hard glare, but he didn't notice. His eyes were still fixed on me, but he wasn't the only one who took interest in me. Another man had his eyes on me.

"Do you have room for two more? We have been jumping place to place and are almost out of supply's," Grayson said, going exactly where I predicted he would. He ignored the glare I threw his way. Redneck was about to answer for Rick, a hell no forming on his lips, but Rick didn't skip a beat.

"I think that would be possible, but from how y'all were hold your weapons, you'll have to be trained how to use a them, Shane," Rick explained, making eye contact with the same man whose gaze made me feel uneasy when he was watching me. "He is one of the best teachers I know. Once we settle down, he can teach you how to handle a gun. Also, you both aren't the only ones who could use some training."

I don't know what it was, but something about Shane made me feel uneasy. It was a different feeling completely from when the redneck looked at me. I threw my gun back in the duffle, slamming the trunk shut. Before Gray could protest, I ripped the keys from his hands. This car was mine, and no one was going to tell me otherwise.

Grayson didn't protest. He knew better than to question me. He slowly made his way over to the Asian man. He was definitely around Grayson and I's age, but that didn't matter to me. I wanted to scream. Even before this hell, he always was too trusting of a person, and deep down, I knew it's what's going to get him killed in this type of world. I shook the horrid thought away as I moved onto more vehicles to loot.

I hated the idea of joining up with these strangers, but there was nothing I could do. Grayson had decided for both of us, and now I had to deal with the effects of his choices, good or bad. He was my little brother, by eighteen minutes, and whenever he decided to go, I would follow.

The first few cars didn't bother me. There was some blood, but nothing too graphic. It wasn't until I opened the back door of an older red Chevy Tahoe to find a bloodied baby carrier. The smell of the rotting flesh made my stomach twist, and the corn finally made an appearance.

Breathing heavily while wiping away the access from my mouth, I looked up, locking eyes with Redneck. It seemed like worry crossed his face, but he broke eye contact before I even had the chance to register he was watching me. He's keeping watch, making sure I didn't do anything that could risk his group. Maybe if there weren't so many of them, maybe if they didn't have children...

Maybe if my brother wasn't so trusting.

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