Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Ahem. Y'all gonna follow the Creek Bed back, okay? Daryl, you're in charge. Me and Rick, we're just gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough," Shane told us, but that's not what I wanted.

"You're splitting us up. You sure?" Daryl asked, splitting up was a bad idea but at the same time it was a good one. So many things could go wrong in a two man group but that meant more ground was going to be covered.

"Yeah, we'll catch up to you," Shane assured and before I could shut my mouth I chimed in, "can I tag along? I can be another set of eyes," I felt Daryl's eyes burning a hole in my head but I was firm on my decision.

"I want to stay too. I'm her friend," I was surprised when Carl piped up from behind me. If I knew he was going to speak up I would have kept quiet. I knew from the look Rick was giving, his eyes were locked with Lori's.

"Just be careful, okay?" Lori sighed putting a single hand on the top of his head. You could tell just by her eyes she didn't want Rick to go in the first place, let alone Carl. I was going to make sure Lori's boys came back to her, nothing was going to stop me.

"I will," Carl assured her as she pulled him close to her.

"When did you start growing up?" She asked kissing the top of his head. Looking at them both I couldn't help but remember my own mother. Remember how we were when I was little, how she used to hug me like that before I bypassed her in height.

"I'll be along soon enough. Here, take this. Remember how to use it?" Rick said when they pulled away from a simple kiss. I saw Andrea's eyes burst into flames as Rick held out his gun to Lori. Another thing I couldn't stand about her. She was selfish.

"I'm not taking your gun and leaving you unarmed," Lori declared pushing the gun back against him. Daryl took a step forward holding out his own gun.

"Here, got a spare. Take it," he said but his eyes weren't even on them, they were on me. They walked away in the opposite direction away from us when I realized there were now two pairs of eyes on me. Grayson and Daryl. I refused to meet either of their eyes, Daryl didn't even want me to come along, it's like he knew this would happen.

"Give me a minute?" Rick asked gesturing to the church, Shane and I gave him the nod of a good ahead.

The three of us took a seat on the steps, waiting for Rick. It felt weird sitting here with Shane but it wasn't like it was when we first met, not at all. It wasn't an unsure kind of weird, it was more of an... Exceptance kind of weird.

"You think this is gonna help him?" I couldn't help but ask Shane. Rick didn't seem like the religious type, but it was easy to see he was starting to lose faith. So what better place to find faith than a church.

"I hope so," Shane breathed as we all heard Rick's leather  boots clicking on the concrete as he walked back to us.

It didn't take us long before we were back hidden away in the trees. Our steps, for the moment, being the only sound. We rounded around some trees when some branches and stick rusled from where near us. Rick put his hand up giving us a signal to stop. They raised their guns and that's when we saw it. A deer.

Carl was mesmerised by it, a smile was spread across his face as he walked towards the beautiful creature. Without thinking I followed closely behind him, on step behind him. The deer only looked at us as we need closer to it, it showed no fear of us. Carl took a second to glance behind us, waiting for encouragement from the two men.

We were so close, it was looking right at us. So close we could possibly touch it. Then something felt off, my gut started screaming at me something wasn't right. I lost myself as I listened for something out of place. It all happened so fast, I heard the sound of some kind of weapon being cocked from somewhere in front of Carl and I. Before my brain caught up with my feet I was grabbing ahold of Carl as a gun went off.

I couldn't help but gasp out a scream as I felt the bullet pierce my skin, my legs giving out from under me. Collapsing onto the forest floor as I started to bleed out of the bullet wound. I started seening spots in my vision as Rick came into my view, I only made a sound as he picked me up. Screaming at the pressure he was putting on the hole in my back, I was thrown into a pit of darkness.

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