Chapter 24

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I was at a loss for words as my sister walked away from me. The wound on her head still fresh in my mind as well as my fury, but it was now pointed in a different direction. Shane. All this time I was being his friend and he was the one who did that to my flesh and blood? I couldn't help but try to think of a vaild reason why, only to come up short.

He was a dead man. I didn't know what I was going to do about it. Just as I was lost in my own anger I saw him walked out of the farm house. Just his face sent a new rage through my body. My feet worked faster than my brain throwing me into his direction with my hand clenched, high in the air.

"You prick!" I hissed my fist flying free, landing a blow to his nose. There was an instant stream of blood pooling out his nose, it didn't look broken but I definitely messed it up. That little bit of red fluid on my knuckles didn't help calm the storm brewing inside of me.

I swung my fist back ready to add to my damage but I was thrown into a head lock, "hey! Headlocks aren't legal!" I screamed thrashing agasint whoever tried to stop me.

"Grayson!" The only voice who could brought me back down to earth in this moment. Lucy. My vision couldn't help but focus on her as she got down on her knees infront of me. Her hands slid into my face which sent a rush of relief through me.

"Stop-" was all I heard her say before everything went dark.


"Stop, he can't breathe!" I hissed clawing at Rick's arms as my brother went limp in his arms. I held my brothers head in my hands as Rick let his body fall.

"What the hell is going on around here?" He cursed eyes darting between Shane and me. I didn't know what to say, where to start about what Shane has done to me. He was Rick's best friend, I was still new to this group, would he even believe me if I told him the truth?

"Shane?" Rick asked his voice still raised with anger clear. My eyes darted to Shane and he was still wearing that stupid smile on his face, I couldn't help but wonder if he would hiss like a snake.

"I don't know what happened, man, he just attacked me." He lied not meeting Rick's eyes which was a tell that he was lying. I just hope Rick saw through it as much as I did but Rick didn't say a word. His eyes continued to dart between Shane and me.

"You're lyin' sonofa bitch!" Daryl's voice alone sent chills down my spine, it was filled with so much rage my heart seemed to stop.

"Daryl calm down-"

"No! I ain't gonna calm down! You see that cut on 'er head? He did that! And I saved 'er sorry ass!" I looked away from everyone and glanced down at my brothers calm face. I, in a hundred years would have never expected my brother to throw the first punch. I didn't Dare look up knowing, now, all eyes were focused on me.

No one dared breathe a word while Rick took in the situation. Shane couldn't wait, "Rick, you're really going to believe their lies over your best friend?" Rick still stayed silent as he looked deep into Shane's eyes. Shane rolled his eyes and walked in the opposite direction from everyone.

"Rick," Dale said speaking up after Shane left, "I witnessed Shane drag her into the woods," still Rick said nothing.

"What are you going to do about this Rick," Lori muttered as she got on the ground next to me pulling me into her arm, I tried to keep the tears at bay but once I was in her arms I lost it. Rick looked between his wife and then headed off in the same direction Shane did.

I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed myself out of Lori's arms and ran towards the RV. My chest was heaving from the river of tears running down my face. I didn't even make it to the door of the RV before falling to my knees. How did this happen to me?

Footsteps made themselves know as someone made their way towards me. I looked up and meet Carol's caring eyes. She didn't stop walking till she was right next to me and got to my level.

"Please just leave me alone," I begged burying my face in my hands. I didn't like crying in front of anyone in this group, it made me look weak. Carol didn't speak, she just pulled me into her arms like Lori did. The only difference was I felt more safe in Carol's arms. Ever since Sophia ran off Carol and I became close, like mother and daughter.

Deep down I knew I could never replace her real daughter but it was nice to have a mother figure.

"It'll be okay," she whispered petting my hair.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now