Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Lori had cautiously made her way inside the RV, hours had passed and my shirt was officially ruined with tears and snot.. But I didn't mind.

"They're ready," Lori told us, even she looked like a wreck. "Come on."

"Why?" Carol asked, all the emotions had left her face and she just looked cold.

"'Cause that's your little girl," Daryl said, trying to comfort her from his spot on the countertop. I looked over at him, I knew he wasn't alright either, he'd spent weeks looking for Sophia, and she was right under our noses all along.

"That's not my little girl. That's some other thing. My Sophia was alone
in the woods, all this time I thought.. she didn't cry herself to sleep. She didn't go hungry. She didn't try to
find her way back. Sophia died a long time ago."

No one dared to breath a word. Lori made her way out and Daryl hoped off the counter and gave us a single glance as he left. Now I was alone with her, how the hell? I didn't know what else to say to her, I wish I could do or say anything that would help ease her pain but I knew better.

"Do you want me to stay in here with you or do you want me to go to?" I questioned, she didn't looked up, she didn't say a word. I took that as it was time for me to go, I gave her hand one last squeeze as I stood and made my way out the door.

Dale was sitting outside as if waiting for an update on Carol's condition. I didn't speak as I sat down beside him, all the grief in the air was making my stomach turn. A single tear fell from my eyes, I couldn't help but miss my mom at a time like this.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Dale asked, I knew she wouldn't, this day was going to haunt her for the rest of her life.

"M-Maybe," I could barely get the word out. Dale let out a sigh as he wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder bringing me closer.

Since Grayson and I both were taken in by the group, Dale held a special place in my heart. I didn't know what it was like to have a good father who cared about me, so I had to assume it was like this. Dale was more of a father to me than that bastard.

"Its almost time, are you coming?" Dale queried. I honestly didn't have any answers for him, I didn't even know Sophia that well but I decided I would at least go for Carol.

"Yeah, lets go."


The service began I realized that I didn't want to be here, I wanted to bolt but I stayed. Carol didn't show but if she wanted details about it at some point I would be able to tell her how beautiful it was.

Once it was over most of the group started gathering the rest of the dead to put into a burn pile. I was going to help but Daryl had grabbed my hand and dragged me away. He didn't say it but I knew that he wanted to be away from everyone else, everyone but me.

We sat together in the grass as he sharpened sticks, it was quiet for a while before I broke the silence.

"How did this happen?" I questioned out load.


"How did the world turn into this? Full of so much death and grief and I know, I know the world was already full of that before but... How did it all turn into this?" I knew he wouldn't be able to give me an actual answer but it was able to rant out loud. He was about to say something but her comes miss perfect, Lori.

"Moving to the suburbs?" She joked, but Daryl and both could tell she wanted something and when neither of of said anything, she continued "listen, Beth's in some kind of catatonic shock and we need Hershel."

"Yeah. So what?" Darryl snapped at her, taking us both back. Sometimes I really wish that Daryl wasn't so harsh to everyone else, don't get me wrong I'm grateful for how he is with me but I know who he really is and the front he puts on.

"So, I need you to run into town real
quick and bring him and Rick back," I was taken back by her request, Rick is a big boy, he can handle getting Hershel back himself.

"Daryl isn't your errand boy," I told her, but she decided to keep pushing anyway. Dumbass.

"Daryl?" She asked, completely ignoring me.

"Your bitch went window-shopping.
You want him? Fetch him yourself. I got better things to do." I had to hold back a laugh, I couldn't have put it any better myself.

"What's the matter with you? Why would you be so selfish?" Her comment made my blood boil, Daryl selfish? I opened my mouth to defend him but I immediately closed it. After everything Daryl has done for this group this is the thanks he gets? What the hell has Lori done for this group? Nothing.

"Selfish? Listen to me, Olive Oyl, I was out there looking for that little girl every single day. I took a bullet and an arrow in the process. Don't you tell me about me getting my hands dirty! You want those two idiots? Have a nice ride, I'm done looking for people." After that Lori had nothing to say as she made her way back to camp.

Once she was out of sight, tears started filling Daryl's eyes, I rushed to pulled him into my arms.

"It's okay hun, you did everything you could for that little girl," I said trying to comfort him but it didn't help as he cried harder into my neck. This is what I meant, this is the Daryl that the rest of the group would never know. He was hurting just like the rest of us but his pain was quiet, always kept bottled up until he would finally explode.

He had been with the group for a while and yet he opened up to no one but me. I was his safe place.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now