Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I stayed hidden away in the tent. I knew that eyes would be on me, not just for coming out of Daryl's tent but for the cut and bruse on my temple. I didn't feel like dealing with it and all the questions. Deep down I knew I couldn't hide out here forever even if I wanted to.

I pulled back the flap of the tent to peak out, the coast seemed to be clear. Of course as I stepped out I saw other just leaving their tents as well, it seemed like all eyes found me at the same time. I wanted to crawl back inside and just die of embarrassment. Especially from the eyes almost identical to my own. Grayson watched me carefully like he wanted to talk to me. I couldn't deal with that right now, after everything that's happened I would lose it.

I turned my back to the wandering eyes, grabbing my ax from the tent. I heard heavy footsteps as I did so. I still knew who it was by those damn combat boots. I threw a glance over my shoulder only to see worry in his eyes.

"Are you lost?" I grumbled softly, my grip on my jacket tight as I stand. I couldn't bring myself to look at him a second time. Anger was flooding through me, not just at him, at everything that's happened since we joined this group a month back.

"What happened to your head?" My heart then dropped down to my toes. I didn't try to think of a story for the wound on my head caused by Shane.

"Nothing," I whispered attempting to push past him. His fingers harshly closed around my wrist pulling me back to him.

"Don't lie." I felt like this was a completely different person than my own twin brother. His voice resembled our father instead of Grayson. Those two words along with his voice sent fear down my spine making tears start to form in my eyes.

"Did Daryl do that to you? I swear, Lucy-"

"What?!" I hissed shoving him away from me. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to blame Daryl. "Don't you fucking dare say his name!" Regret filled Grayson's eyes where the anger was. That wasn't enough to calm the storm brewing inside of me.

"Lucy, calm-"

"Don't you say 'calm down' when you know nothing! You haven't been here for me like Daryl has! He has saved me twice now, I was attacked by a Walker in the night. He saved me while you were asleep with your new best friend! Then this cut? Go ask your other friend Shane! But if I hear you speak badly on Daryl's name again so help me I will take care of you myself. Now piss off and leave me alone!" I was surprised by the words flying from my mouth but I meant every word. No one, especially my brother, is going to speak lies on Daryl.

No one knew all the things that man has done for me. He saved me, gave a a place to sleep, he's the one whose been keeping me safe this whole damn time. Not anyone else. Especially my brother who has only spoken to me when it was convent for him.

I still had anger boiling over inside of me with no one to take it out on. I rushed past Grayson towards the woods, ax still in my hand. He called after me but didn't follow which I was thankful for. I couldn't be around people right now. I still felt as if I was going to snap again if someone dared look at me the wrong way.

I didn't stop walking until I heard what I was looking for. A Walker had caught sight of me and was making it's way towards me. My grip tightened as I met it half way, slamming the sharpened blade into the side of it's head making it go limp.

I was hoping this would calm my nerves but it was obvious just one wasn't going to do it for me. This rage needed to let out and I know just how to do it.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now