Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

At first I couldn't force my feet to move an inch towards the house that used to be my home. Daryl didn't dare question anything once I took the first steps towards the answers I needed. He follow right behind me until I came to a halt at the wooden front door. The windows in the front were busted out and the doo was barely hanging on to the frame.

Deep down I knew that when we left things went how bad but I never realized how fast things fell down hill for my parents. I had a bad feeling of what I was going to find behind this broken door but I needed to know. I needed to be able to know what happened to them and move on.

I felt Daryl place a single hand on my shoulder showing me he was there for support. Maybe he knew all along what my plans were, what if he just wanted to make sure I was safe.

"Daryl..." I trailed off, not knowing the words to say to him.

"I know," he said laying his other hand against the door, making it slightly squeal under the light pressure. He was watching me, waiting for a sign to push open the door, to give me the asnwers I was in search of. I couldn't remove my eyes from the broken down wood, could I really know the answers and be okay with them? Would I break down into tears? So many more questions that I wouldn't have the answers to unless one of us opened the door.

Without thinking I felt my head nod in his direction. He didn't wait another second before pushing the door open quickly, his bow aimed to kill anything that moved on the inside. Nothing moved, not a single sound came from the house that used to be full of noise, life. At first glance I felt my heart already starting to shatter. The house was a wreck, it had never even had a speck of dirt now the house was covered in it along with broken items all along the floor.

It seemed like seconds turned into hours as I forced myself to take the first step inside. Daryl, like always, was right behind me closing the for behind us the best he could. The first thing that I noticed was the smell of death that filled the livingroom. I gagged slightly at the smell but then pushed it out of my mind.

As we ventured further into the living-room I noticed something else that made tears brim around my eyes.  All the blood that was covering the floors made my knees go weak only to be caught by Daryl. I took a deep breath and regained my footing, I needed to do this. I turned the corner that led from the front door to the rest of the livingroom, do much more blood than what I saw from the front door.

My heart dropped from my chest into my stomach, I felt like I was going to blow chunks everywhere but somehow I pushed through it. Besides the room being destroyed everything was still the same, couch was still against the back wall along with the picture that made my mom fall in love with mountains.

So many trees with so much green and a single mountain behind it all, it was so beautiful. I couldn't help but take my neckless in my hand, giving it a light squeeze. I noticed something odd. The pictures that were normal next to it, Grayson and I's pictures were gone from the wall, I tried to remember that night, were those pictures still on the wall?

I couldn't help but feel hope, what if my parents got out? They'd be the only ones to take out pictures down to take with them! I couldn't help but search the floor for any evidence that could prove me wrong. But there was nothing, no broken frames, the only glass shards were from the huge windows behind the couch. My parents could still be alive.

I wanted to believe it but there was a part of me that knew better. That part remembered that night like it happened yesterday, there was only enough time for Grayson and me to escape before the Walkers started invading from the windows. But for some reason I still had hope.

(A/N: Hey guys! I worked so hard on this part and I am so happy with how good it turned out! Please, I beg of you, leave a comment and let me know how you liked this part or the whole story in general! I love all of you readers, have a wonderful rest of you day/night!)

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now