Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Who knew that, even with the events of last night, I could end up sleeping so soundly until dawn. When the light of the sun woke me up I tried to go back to sleep but before I could peacefully drift off I realized something.

Daryl's arms we're rapped around my waist pulling me close to his warm body. I was in his arms. I wanted to pinch myself, I had to be dreaming, but I didn't dare move. I tried to figure out if he was awake as well but it was hard to tell just by his breathing. I could only question my next move from here, do I move or stay completely still?

I closed my eyes, shifting around, turning to bury my face in his chest. My movement gave me my answer. As I moved around, his arms lift to accommodate for my movement. He was awake. Now that I had an answer... What was my next move? Do I try to fall back asleep? Open my eyes and face Daryl, who I could feel his eyes on me.

"I seen you eyes move, I know yer awake," he whispered but I could hear a grin playing across his lips as he spoke. I was caught with no other choice but to open my eyes meeting his. His face still held a smile I knew was there even before I pried open my eyes.

"Hi," I whispered using his chest to push myself up only for him to quickly rap his arms around my waist pulling me back down. A giggle fell past my lips looking up at Daryl.

I couldn't help but stare up at him in wonder. I had such deep feeling for this man but I didn't want or know how to put it into words. Like wasn't strong enough but love was too strong. He suddenly pulled away from me and went out of the tent to only come back a second later.

"I got somethin' for you," he said holding out a flower in a beer bottle. I wanted to laugh at his presentation.

"A flower?" I chuckled softly.

"It's a cherokee rose," he said in the same hushed time as me,  "The story is that when American soldiers were moving Indians off their land on the trail of tears the cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much 'cause they were losing their little ones along the way from exposure and disease and starvation. A lot of them just disappeared. So the elders, they said a prayer; asked for a sign to uplift the mothers' spirits, give them strength and hope. The next day this rose started to grow right where the mothers' tears fell."

"That's a beautiful story to go with such a beautiful flower," I smiled taking the bottle from his hand examining the flower. He watching my every move as I stroked one of the pettles.

"I don't think I'm the person you should be giving this to," I muttered looking down at my hands putting it back into his hands. Confusion was clear on his face as if he was waiting for me to explain.

"Carol needs this flower more than I do, she needs something to give her hope," I explained. Daryl seemed at a loss for words. Usually his eyes gave a hint of what he was thinking but this time there was so much going on I couldn't pick a single thing to focus on.


I couldn't help but watch her. She was so generous and caring, especially when it came to Carol. My eyes wondered to the brushing cut on her temple making anger boil inside of me. Shane did that to her. He made her scared to even step into camp last night. He was another matter I had to take into my own hands if he didn't listen to my warning.


Daryl stayed quiet as his eyes moved to my forehead only to remind me of the events of last night. Before my eyes Daryl started leaning towards me making my heart race. Was he going to kiss me?

I was way off. His lips ended up on the top of my head right before he left the tent. I felt the rush of heat on my cheeks. What was this man doing to me?

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