Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I knew I should feel better with some answers but now there were so many more than there was before. We searched the entire house with no trace of mom. I made Daryl searched the surrounding houses just to see if we could find her, dead or alive, and still came up short.

On our way back to camp we drive back in silence, somehow Daryl convinced me to let him drive my car. While many different emotions flooded through me like a broken dam, I couldn't help but look at Daryl. He was focused on the road as we drove back to the farm, I had to peel my eyes off of him when I noticed I was stairing.

This man was different than anyone I had met before, he was special. When no one cared enough about me, not even myself, he did. He had been there for me when I needed him most. The feelings I had towards him grew stronger everyday and that scared the shit out of me.

Before finding this group the only person I ever needed was my brother, my focus was keeping him safe. Now I had more than one person I cared about, more I needed to keep alive. This group was becoming a family to me and I was scared, scared that any second something could go wrong, someone could die.

Just that thought alone made anxiety run throughout my body but I made myself take a breath. With how many people were in this group it should be easy, we all wanted to keep eathother safe which was a lot easier than depending all on myself to do it.

I was just worried something would go wrong, I felt something was going to go wrong in the pit of my stomach... I just hope it was wrong.


We had gotten back in one piece but it seemed like no one even noticed we left in the first place. At least that's what I thought, after Daryl went off on his daily search for Sophia, I unpacked the back of the car with the few supplies we had found.

"Where did you guys go?" I didn't need to turn around to know it was my brother. At first I was going to ignore him but he deserved to know about the fate of our parents. I couldn't help but wonder, could he handle it?

"Ugh.. Just went out for a supply run," I lied quickly showing him the inside of the bag, hoping he wouldn't question me further. He looked in the bag for what seemed like forever before he finally made eye contact with me.

"Where did you go to find this stuff?" He asked almost innocently like he was testing me. I was still fighting with myself, should I tell him?

"Well..." I started trying to think of a random place to tell him we went but I caved instantly. "We went home."

At first his face didn't change, like he was thinking over what I had just said to him. Slowly he broke eye contact with me staring down at our feet, "where?" He asked, his voice slightly cracking. I knew for a fact he had heard what I said, he was wanting me to confirm what I just told him.

"Home." I tried to read him, see where his head was at in this moment, coming up with nothing.

"And... And did you find anything?"

Yes," I whimpered out picturing our father's dead eyes, there was now no way to hide the truth from my brother. 

"Well spit it out! What did you find?" He hissed out grabbing ahold of me, I could tell he needed the answers as much as I did but there was now one difference. I knew apart of the truth of what happened to our home, our parents, once we ran away into the night. Our father was one of the undead and it was still unknown about the fate of our mother which hurt me the most. She could be out there somewhere, dead or alive, and I didn't even know where to start if I wanted to go and try to find her.

"We found dad, he's gone Gray," as I spoke his grip loosened on me but then as I finished my sentence he pulled me into his arms. Sobs racked through his body as he held me close, I didn't dare let anymore tears fall from my own eyes. Our father had made both of our lives a living hell from as far back as I can remember, I had cried enough tears for the man, it was time to forget about him and start to move on with this group. 

My family from the past is gone all apart from my brother, this new group was becoming a family faster as the days went on. I needed to forget and move on from the past to protect my new family.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now