Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I remembered how I used to live in the woods as a young girl, Grayson and I would be covered in war paint, nerf guns at our sides. He always knew his way around the woods even when we were kids, it was his gift. I was never as lucky. Our woods was his paradise while it was my very own personal hell as the tree roots made it their life's mission to see me fall and that was one thing that had not changed after all these years.

The sun was starting the fade behind the tree line when I knew I was in for trouble. I knew for a fact Daryl must have went back to the farm because everything was quiet, way too quiet for my liking. I decided it was time for me to head back too... the problem was I had no idea which way back was. Night was racing up on me as fast as my heart started beating out of my chest, my feet taking it upon themselves to find the way back. The only sound was the crushing of levees under my black converse and the beating of my heart in my ears as the trees started to spin around me.

How could I have been so stupid? I should have known the risk in attempting to follow Daryl out here but I needed to do this. I had to prove to this group, and myself, that I could do anything they could. Sophia has been out here alone for far too many days, who knew what state we were going to find her in if... When we find her.

Leafs started crushing under someone's footsteps that weren't my own. I knew the sound was coming from somewhere too close for my comfort. I pulled out the gun attempting to aim it in the direction of the noise. While fidgeting with it I somehow managed the clock it back. I thought I was ready for this fight... I was wrong.

The figure in front of my finally let out and inhuman growl as it shuffled closer to me. That was all I needed as I tried to squeeze the trigger but nothing happened. Fear was running through my body as I attempted to pull it back again, same results. I was so focused on the weapon I didn't realize how close it had gotten to me until it's teeth were inches away from my neck.

A scream shot out from inside of me as the Walker took me down. My hands rushed up to its shoulders as a quick attempt to keep the thing at bay. This was all my fault, why did I have to be so stupid? I was going to die out in these woods and no one would know what happened to me. The teeth inches closer to my face as another scream left my mouth. I looked up into it dead eyes seeing my reflection, knowing my eyes could soon look just like that.

Before it could attempt at another bite and arrow came flying out of no where stricking it right in the head. The Walker went limp as it fell on top of me, my mind making the woods spin around me. I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw Daryl's blurry face in my vision.

"What the hell are you doing out here girl?!" He hissed pulling the dead off of me and taking ahold of my hand halling me to my feet. "Are you tryin' to get yerself killed?!" I couldn't even answer him at this point, I was finally letting out sobs as I threw my arms around his neck crying into his shoulder.

At first his body stiffened against me, I was afraid he was going to push me away but I was wrong. Slowly his arms rapped around me, pulling my body closer to him. It felt weird being this close to Daryl but I liked it, more than I should. I wanted this moment to last forever but I didn't get my wish, Daryl pushed me away.

"What the hell are you doing out here unarmed?" He demanded, I couldn't stop the laugh that came out of my mouth. I reached down at our feet, feeling for the gun, when I came back up I handed him his gun.

"I actually wasn't unarmed," I confessed looking down at my feet. When no word came from Daryl I took a peak up at him, I was surprised by the amusement on his face.

"You didn't turn the damn safety off!"

"Um... Guns have a safety?" I asked shyly twisting a piece of hair between my fingers. I really need to learn more about guns before I come out here with one again.

"Girl, I sure got a hell of a lot to teach ya about guns," he replied as he started to walk in the opposite direction, leaving me in shock.

I ran after him, "wait, you're gonna teach me? I thought that was Shane's job?" He stopped turning to face me, his face wiped off anything but anger.

"No. That prick ain't gonna be anywhere near ya," he growled out as he grabbed my wrist pulling me along with him. I was in shock at his words, Shane had only been nice to me since I woke up from getting shot. He sure as hell checked on me more than Daryl did, which was not at all, but I wasn't going to argue with Daryl right now. I stayed silent as I focused on my feet trying to avoid the roots of the trees.

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