Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

The drive back was rough, the silence alone made me want to jump out of the moving vehicle. Grayson was in the back seat, tears still slowly dripping down his cheeks, but he didn't make a single sound.

By the time we pulled into the Greene's long drive way, I felt suffocated. I was first to throw the door open as soon as Rick it in park, I just needed out of car.

Grayson, as if he knew exactly what I was feeling, stepped out, taking my hand in his. Normally, this would be one of the many times he would attempt to pull me in for a hug, I was grateful he didn't. Rick offered us a half nod as he went to look for Hershel, apparently he needed his help with something.

"If you ever wanna talk, I'm here." I told him, giving his hand a squeeze. Grayson attempted to smile at me as he let go of my hand but his smile was broken.

"Same goes for you," he walked away but I wanted to follow him, just keep an eye on him but I held back. He needed some time to grieve, alone.

I just needed to turn my brain off for a few hours, so I decided to go take a nap in Daryl and I's tent. Hoping tomorrow will be a better day.


I was jolted awake to people screaming. Quickly, I grabbed Daryl's pistol, rushing out, immediately looking for both Grayson and Daryl but my eyes landed on the whole group.

Rick and Hershel had walking on the end of rods, waking them like dogs, Shane was the one I heard screaming, just as I rushed over, Shane pulled the trigger on his gun, firing shots the the one Hershel had a hold of. To prove his point even further he fired a couple more shots before finally sending one final shot through it's head. Hershel fell down to his knees in horror, but Shane wasn't finished with his break down.

"Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone! Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us! Enough! Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now." That's when he started handing out guns and that's when I knew that the worst was about to happen. Grayson came up behind me, one hand planted on my shoulder to hold me in place. Shane handed us both pistols, knowing that was all we knew how to shoot by now.

"No, Shane. Do not do this, brother.
Please!" Rick pleaded with him, but it was a loss cause as Shane started banging on the barn doors and breaking all the locks. Damn, he really has lost him mind, this wasn't safe. I moved ever so slightly to make sure that Grayson was slightly behind me, if Walker made it over to us I was ready to protect him with everything I had.

The minute the doors were ripped open, they all started pile out, their moans ringing in my ears and with the loud sounds of fun fire. There were so many walkers shoved into the barn, I had no idea how they were able to bring down the walls themselves.

Suddenly it was dead quiet, the only sounds were heavy breathing. We all thought that was the end of it until a new, tiny growl came from inside the barn. Everyone held their guns up, ready to kill whatever was about to come out, but nobody could have ever guessed who was inside.

My breath caught in my throat and my heart sunk. I couldn't believe my eyes, I had to be dreaming... but I wasn't. Sophia, her once child like face was now sunken in and rotting away, a bite wound on her shoulder.

"Sophia!" Carol cried out as she started running to her, only to be caught by Daryl's arms. No one spoke, the shock was hitting all of us in waves as we listen to Carol break down.

My shock quickly turned into anger, she was dead the whole time, and she'd been hidden away in this barn... the whole time. The Greene's put her in there and just let us run around looking for a little girl while she was rotting away as one of the dead.

Rick was the first to move, he stepped forward, pointing his gun at her. At first it seemed all he could do was look at her, I could see he was already blaming himself. When she came at him, he fired a single shot.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now