Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Heads turned towards Daryl and me as we broke through the treeline after I was almost killed due to not knowing how to work a weapon, not that anyone else was going to find that out. Especially Grayson. I was ready to snap at all the wandering eyes that were questioning why I was with Daryl because to be honest it was none of their business in the first place. Grayson was sitting with Glenn at the tent they decided to share while I was in darkness.

His eyes watched us as we walked together all the way to the camp, only to part ways when Daryl went to his own tent. My twins eyes held millions of questions that I didn't feel like answering, some that I didn't even know the answer to myself. I knew deep down, even if I didn't want to admit it, I cared for Daryl. Ever since that first night with the group I couldn't get that redneck out of my head. His intense blue eyes were one of the things I continued to see even when I closed my eyes to try to push him out of my mind.

Everything he does give me a new reason to be so curious about him. Starting with the Walker hoard, he saved my life when he didn't have to. The way his eyes watched me as he shoved me under that car, his eyes holding something I couldn't place in that moment and even now I still can't. I knew that I wasn't going to get any answers to these questions but that didn't help my wandering thoughts.

I turned my back to the group as I headed towards the R.V. to see Dale. He seemed to be the only one in this group who wouldn't judge me at this point. This time around it was easier to climb up the latter but I still attempted to keep control of my breathing. I couldn't help but wonder how I was even going to bring it up to Dale in the first place, maybe he would be the one to ask questions.

"Hiya, Dale," I smiled, finally making it to the top of the latter. He turned slightly with a soft knowing smile which sent a pink tent across my cheeks. Maybe Dale noticed more than I thought possible for his old eyes.

"What are you up to, Lucy?" He asked almost casually but I saw right through him. That asshole knew exactly what I came up here to try to talk about. Like he knew it was going to be difficult for me to bring up myself. Even now I was still at a loss for words to even ask a question, I didn't know what questions to ask.

"Nothing much, just wanted to ask you some questions," I somehow got passed my lips, cheeks already burning.

"About Daryl?" He asked but it sounded more like a statement. His face still held the same smirk as before.

"No! What gave you that idea!" I laughed awkwardly trying to brush it off but it didn't work out like that, "is it that obvious?" I asked softly making him chuckle.

"It's only obvious when you can't take your eyes off of the man," Dale declared. I couldn't believe my ears at the words spilling from his mouth. I didn't stare at Daryl... Did I? I tried to think of all the times I caught myself watching him and I had to admit... It was more than just a few times I had to tare my eyes from him.

"How well do you know him?" I questioned trying to push for as much information I could get.

"Well enough to know he likes to keep to himself mostly. The only person he was close with was his brother-"

"He has a brother?" I interrupt without thinking.

"Had a brother. I can tell you have many more questions but if you seek answers you'll have to go to the source." Deep down before even climbing up that latter I had a feeling the conversation would go this way. I didn't say anything else to Dale in that moment, I couldn't think of anything to say back.

So I decided that I needed to make a choice. Could I actually go up to Daryl and start asking question? I doubted it. That's not who I am or how I act. I figured I would just leave the topic alone for now. Worrying about it wasn't getting me anywhere and obviously neither was Dale.

While climbing down I came face to face with exactly who I was told not to go around. Shane. It was like he was just waiting for me and it freaked me out. I tried to push past him but he was quicker than I was as he grabbed a hold of my arm.

"You wanna know more about Dixon?" He recalled as if he was listening to the whole private conversation I had with Dale.

"That conversation was private and none of your damn business!" I hissed attempted to pull my arm out of his grip but that only made it tighten.

"I can tell you all you need to know, I can even give you a private lesson on guns while we talk about it," he said harshly letting me know I didn't have a choice in the matter as he pulled me with him towards the woods.

I looked back at Dale, only to find his eyes we're already on mine. I begged him with my eyes to help me. I didn't know if he could see the fear in my eyes but he threw the rifle down as he climbed down the latter. I expected him to follow us himself but my stomach dropped as he went in the opposite direction.

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