Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Hey, um, Dale?" I asked coming up behind him as he finished up on the R.V. for the day.

"Yes, Lucy?" See. He at least knows my name. It was nice to know that some of these people cared about people like an actual human being.

"I was wondering if you could teach me about cars." I smiled running a single finger against his R.V. and he seemed kinda pleased that I wanted to learn. "I know absolutely nothing about this kind of thing."

"I can show you about mine but not all vehicles are going to be the same," he smiled but the smile left his face as Andrea made her way over to us. The look on her face was not a nice one and it only got worse the closer she got to us.

"Where's my gun? You have no right to take it." She hissed accusingly. Glenn, who had been making his way over to us, quickly backed away from the confrontation. Not that I blamed him.

"You don't need that just now, do you?" Dale asked and I had to force a straight face. If I laughed, Andrea's anger could turn towards me and I didn't want that. That meant I would have to put her in her place with me, I didn't deal with people like her.

"My father gave it to me. It's mine." She continued and I saw her point. Maybe it was the last thing of her dads and she wanted to keep ahold of it. That's what this necklace was to me, my mother had it since she was a child.

It was a simple mountain range but it meant the world to her. She always wanted to see one in real life and before this happened we had made plans to go. It was a dream that was never going to be a reality. Before we left her being she shoved it into my hands. She told me, go see the mountains for me and that's where we were heading before we joined up with these people.

Grayson had no idea about any of this and if he did he wouldn't understand. Maybe if I had told him we would have walked away but there was no way to know for sure.

"I can hold onto it for you," Dale said not giving up on the subject. The way he was fighting this there had to be a reason, maybe he's just trying to do what's best. I honestly had no idea so I kept my opinion to myself, it was not my place to say anything.

"Or you can give it back to me," she huffed in annoyance. She was about to go on but Shane came over and she went quiet.

"Everything cool?" he asked when he noticed the tension between the two.

"No, I want my gun back," she sneers, her eyes slightly shifting over to Dale in anger.

"I don't think it's a good idea right now," Dale said ignoring her glare, eyes focused on Shane.

"Why not?" Andrea sighed as if she was already over this conversation. 

"I'm not comfortable with it," Dale told truthfully but I still couldn't figure out what was the reason being this persistence. He looked at Shane pleading him to take his side as if it was life or death, for all I knew maybe it was.

Shane took pity on him. "The truth is, less guns we have floating around camp the better," he explained to Andrea but she wasn't having it. That answer made her eyes set ablaze. 

"You turning over your weapon?"

"No," he chuckles at the meer thought, "but I'm trained in its use. That's what the rest of y'all need is proper training. But until that time I think it's best if Dale keeps them all accounted for," he said and Dale seemed at peace with that answer. I wanted so badly to know what the reasoning of why but I kept my mouth shut with Andrea still there.

"Uh-huh," was all she was willing to say before she turned her back and walked away.

"Mind telling me what that's about?" Shane asked quietly, I listened wanting to know the answer as well. Andrea obviously was still in earshot as she whipped around, her eyes locked with mine.

"I stayed behind to die at the CDC, now little ol' Dale is afraid I'm going to finish the job if he gives me my gun," she said with force in her voice. I realized a lot must have happened before Grayson and I joined the group, what exactly I still had no idea.

"Oh God, they're back," Glenn spoke making heads turn towards the woods.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now