Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

During this whole time Daryl didn't dare say a word, which I was thankful for. Soon I would have to answer questions he had and I didn't know if I was prepared for it. Still, he continued to watch my every move as I slowly started roaming the house. All of the pictures from around the house were gone as well. Hope was still inside me at this point, what random person would come into someones home and take pictures?

At the moment the only sounds were mine and Daryl's shoes crunching the glass. Finally, I made it into the kitchen to see that so much food had been taken from the house. It made me wonder how many people have come through here. There were a few stray cans, which Daryl picked up to shove into his bag.

The silence was broken as a deep moan from something undead came from the upstairs. I froze where I was my world coming down around my as reality set in, my parents could be Walkers hidden away upstairs. I was only broken out of my trance when Daryl sprang into action heading towards the stairs and I ran right behind him.

"Stay downstairs!" He ordered as we can to the door but I didn't.

"I need to know," I said softly, my voice starting to crack as I held the tears at bay. I couldn't cry, not yet, not when I don't know for sure. He looked at me for what seemed an eternity until another moan came from the other side of the door. He snapped back to the problem at hand as he reached for the door handle I got a tighter grip on my ax.

Slowly he opened the door, crossbow ready with his finger on the trigger but nothing happened, we weren't attacked but I was still ready to fight. Then without warning he threw the door open, still nothing.

Cautiously we made our way into the tiny room that used to be my brothers, I couldn't help but gasp as the tears started to floor down my face like a river. I lost the grip on my ax and heard it hit the ground just as my legs gave way landing on my knees. I horrid cry fell from my open mouth as I took in the scene right in front of me.

There was a Walker stabbed through the wall with a machete, stuck. But it wasn't just any creature of the undead... It was my father. My whole world of hope came crashing down around me as I sobbed uncontrollably staring into his glossed over eyes. I wanted to scream, scream at the world, blame god, blame anyone, but I couldn't. It was his fault this happened to him, he stayed behind when there was a way out. He killed himself and mom.

Mom. She could be anywhere in this house turned into a monster just like him. I stopped for a split second as a sudden burst of anger came from me. He was a monster before, he had done so many things that could qualify him for it, he was the one who made mom stay. He killed her.

"You did this," I whispered to myself at first. I didn't think Daryl would hear me but he did.

"What?" He hissed, never taking his eyes off dad. All this anger that was boiling inside me over Grayson, over Shane, over anyone who had done me wrong and most importantly... Over mom, was taking over my mind, I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"You did this! You didn't leave!" I screamed my father, as if he could hear me, "there was a chance for all for of us to get out but you didn't leave! After everything you've done I still loved you and for some reason I trusted you to keep us safe but you couldn't even do that, you killed yourself in the process, you killed mom!" At this moment I couldn't keep control of the tears, of my breathing, my mind was going dark as everything left my body but anger. I felt like there was so much more to say but nothing else came to my mind as I sat there crying.

I attempted to stand only to have my legs give out from under me making me cry harder. I wish I had good memories with him, I searched the dark depths of my mind trying to find a single one. I came up short. Before I realized what is happening Daryl is at my level pulling me into his arm.

He didn't say a word after I finally calmed down getting up into my feet. With a knife in my head I looked at my father, sadness and anger mixing together like a dark cloud. Without another thought my feet took a step forward slamming the blade into his temple.

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