Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I spent days stuck in that bed, every move I made sent painful waves through my whole body, at the beginning the pain would be so intense my mind and body couldn't take it and my brain completely shut down. Today Hershel gave me a checkup, he said I was healing up nicely and should be able to finally walk outside on my own without a babysitter. He made sure to mention that last night was the last time I'd be sleeping in the house, that I'd go back out there with my people 'where I belong.'

I slowly walked through the house until I safely made my way to the front door looking out towards the group. My eyes immediately searching for Sophia, hoping that they had found her while I was recovering. When I couldn't find her a bad feeling started to arise in the base of my stomach, what was the chance that we would find her alive after being out there for days on her own. 

Rick took notice to me standing in the doorway and came, annoyingly, to my aid. Ever since I opened my eyes Rick has been there to help me in every step of recovery. I have seen Rick's face more than I have my own brother, ever since I accused him of ending Otis's life I have gotten the cold shoulder. Not that I cared, two can play at that game, I have always played it better than him, his heart was to pure to ignore me when I need him. Deep down I knew that his heart was going to be the reason for his death if, or when, it comes. 

"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked helping down the steps even though I didn't need the help in the first place. 

"I'm back to living out here with you all, who can I share a tent with?" I answered as if it was no big deal even though it was. I have no idea how well I'll be able to sleep on the dirt with my back still not feeling one hundred percent. 

"I'll talk to Hershel, there's no way that I can let him-"

"Who can I share a tent with?" I asked cutting him off slightly annoyed with his persistence in his attempt to show me he was grateful for what I did to save Carl's life. While he help me hobble around, his wife wouldn't even look in our direction. At first, I was confused out of my mind of why she was acting like this, I didn't expect her to do as Rick but I didn't expect this, after a second of trying to comprehend her reasoning the confusion turned into an angered annoyance. 

"Lucy I can talk to him-"

"Rick," I started lost for what words would explain how I was feeling, "thank you but I'll be fine out here with everyone, hell, thank you for all that you've done for me while I've been trapped in that bed but you don't need to keep doing this,"

"Keep doing what?" He asked confused by my words, again I tried to think how to word my scrambled thoughts.

"I know you think you are obliged to take care of me because I took to bullet for Carl but-"

"You really think this is why I'm doing this?" He asked taking his turn to cut me off, I was caught off guard by his words and he could tell, "the moment you risked your life to save Carl's... you became a member of this group, a part of this family and I take care of my family." I wasn't one for tears but his words made a single tear fall from my eye, I quickly tried to wipe it away but he saw right through me. "Was that a tear? Even when you were screaming in pain from the injury I never saw a single tear," he teased making a chuckle find its way out of my lips. 

"Don't tell anyone about that, I have an image to uphold," I joked as my eyes caught sight of Daryl going into the woods, I couldn't help but assume he was still looking for Sophia. "Anything?" I choked out, he didn't even have to ask what I meant by the single word. 

"Not yet, Daryl goes out daily looking for her, soon we'll be sending out more people in each search party. We aren't giving up," Rick sounded hopeful but I couldn't help but notice a little doubt in his voice. I knew exactly how he felt, there was such a slim chance of finding her out there alive... but it was still a chance. 

"I'll go on the next search," I announced without thinking.

"No, you need to stay here and heal, you can't risk going out there then making your injury worse." Rick told me using his father figure voice that he would use with Carl but it wasn't working on me in the slightest. I needed to be out there looking for her with everyone else, I didn't give a damn about my injury right now, Sophia needed to be found. "You can share a tent with Andrea until we can find another one when we go on a run."

"How long before I can actually be helpful again?" I asked in a huff but Rick just laughed.

"All in good time."

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now