Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"I found it washed up on the creek bed right there. She must have dropped it crossing there somewhere," Daryl explained as Hershel started stitching up his side. The arrow seemed to have went completely through him.

"Cuts the grid almost in half," Rick stated give Shane a look over his shoulder. I didn't like being in the same room with him but I needed to know Daryl would be alright.

"Yeah, you're welcome," Daryl grunted, his eyes darting back and forth between Shane and me. He knew that I didn't want to be here with Shane but his eyes told me he wondered why. I wish I didn't feel this way. I wish that I didn't care for Daryl as much as I do but I can't explain the pull I have towards him.

"How's he looking?" Rick asked.

"I had no idea we'd be going through the antibiotics so quickly," Hershel responded but that answer wasn't good enough for me.

"How is he lookin'?" I demanded making everyone look at me. Hershel still ignored the question.

"Any idea what happened to my horse?" He asked after he finished. That commet alone pissed me off. How dare he care more about a horse more than an actual living human.

"Yeah, the one who almost killed me? If it's smart, it left the country," I almost chuckled at his comment but I held it back, now was not the time.

"We call that one Nelly, as in Nervous Nelly. I could have told you she'd throw you if you'd bothered to ask," he explained. "It's a wonder you people have survived this long," another bullshit comment. I couldn't hold my rage back anymore.

"We survived just fine, it's a mystery about you," I snapped at him as I walked out, and the others followed. Lori was there waiting, sitting with her back against the wall. She got to her feet as soon as we walked out.

"He'll be all right," Rick told her as he started heading down the hall.

"I hate to say it, but I'm with Hershel on this one. Can't keep going out there, not after this," Shane said making Rick come to a quick halt. Anger was clear in Rick's face as he walked back towards Shane.

"You'd quit now?" Rick asked him. I was at a loss for words, how could Shane be so heartless?

"Daryl just risked his life to bring back the first hard evidence we've had," Rick explained with a good point. If we found her doll she had to be close.

"That is one way to look at it. The way I see it, Daryl almost died today for a doll," Shane said, eyes to the ground.

"Yeah, I know how you see it," Rick hissed taking off in the other direction.

"That's not your call," I said softly not wanting to even look at him, let alone talk to him, "you really think Daryl is going to stop looking after finding that doll today? If you're so fucking sure that she's gone, how about you go tell that to her mother's face!" I hissed at him, my anger getting the best of me taking off in the same direction as Rick.

"I'm not trying to be a hard case," he told Lori and I.

I stopped for a slipt second, "bullshit," I growled stomping away. When I made my way down the stairs I heard talking on the front porch.

"How's he doing?" It was Andrea. He voice alone set me off after I just calmed myself down about Shane's words

"He'll be fine. What about you?" Dale asked her, as if how she felt matter right now, which it didn't.

"I shot Daryl," yeah no shit.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. We've all wanted to shoot Daryl," Dale joked, if it had been any other time I would have laughed at his humor but this time I wasn't laughing. I walked out of the door, at first I was going to keep my mouth shut but I couldn't hold it back.

"But this bitch actually did it," I hissed turning around looking her dead in the eyes. She seemed suprised at my words.

"Lucy-" Dale started but he didn't get far as Andrea stood up.

"I was protecting the camp," she said but it seemed more like an excuse.

"No," I growled getting up in her face. I wasn't very tall but at this point I was towering over her. "You wanted to show off since Shane says your such a good shot. Thank god your not or Daryl would be dead and you would be too."

"Is that a threat?" She asked getting more aggressive with each word that came out of my mouth.

"Take it how you want it sweet cheeks. Maybe now next time you'll listen to Dale and not be such a little brat," at those words she started swinging her arm back as if she was going to hit me. Without thinking my hand went up and took ahold of hers, the shock on her face wasn't enough for me. She was going to hit me and I wasn't going to let that slide.

"Lucy no!" Dale screamed but my hand was already airborn, I felt my fist colide with her check. With that single punch she went down but I had so much anger built up inside of me. While she was down I climbed on top and started wailing on her, I didn't feel anything in that moment.

The warm blood oosing from her face onto my fist woke up the beast inside of me. I was blacking out, I knew if I didn't stop I was going to kill her but I wasn't in control of my body anymore.

My fists were still flying when someone rapped their arms around my waist pulling me off. I started to struggle and fight to get back to her. My whole body went limp when I saw it was my brother's arms around me. He dragged me away from the forming group who all checked on Andrea.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now