Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Daryl tried to comfort Carol as she quietly sobbed. No one spoke, no one even moved, all of our eyes were on Sophia's body.

Daryl tried to help Carol to her feet but she fought against him, pushing him away from her as she rushed out of here and went towards the RV.

The Greene's were all just a shocked into silence as we were, Beth was crying, and Hershel at some point had fallen to his knees. He was in despair, I wasn't sure before if I believed he really thought these things were just sick, but now I could see he really did.

Beth stumbled forward, looking at the faces of the dead, crying harder when it was one of her family members. She threw on corpse off of another and fell to her knees and she turned the dead woman over, "momma," she whimpered. In the same moment the shell of her mother let out a growl and took hold of Beth's hair.

Everyone jumped into action, killing her mother for a second time, but I couldn't move. I don't know if it was shock or what, but my heartbeat was in my ears and bile rose to the back of my throat. I had to force myself to keep breathing, the urge to run to her and hold her in my arms was strong. I couldn't imagine watching my own mother like this, Beth has now watched her mother die twice and I wouldn't have been able to survive one if I had seen my mother die in that house.

"We've been out. We've been combing
these woods looking for her!" Shame hissed as we all started making our way back to the farmhouse.

"Shane, leave it," I hissed back but he didn't seem to hear me, it was obvious he was in a blind rage, no one was going to get through to him right now.

"You knew and you kept it from us!"

"I didn't know." Hershel told him but didn't stop making his way back to the farmhouse but Shane wouldn't let it go that easy.

"That's bullshit. I think y'all knew!" Unlike Shane, I saw all of their faces as that little girl came out of the barn, I think he was telling the truth. They all had looked shocked, especially when Carol had started to break down crying.

"We didn't know!" Maggie hollered at him.

"Why was she there?"

"Otis put those people in the barn, maybe he found her and put her
in there before he was killed." Hershel explained, it made sense to me.

"You expect me to believe that?
What do I look like? Do I look like an idiot?" Yes, Shane, yes you do.

"Shane, hey, hey, hey-" Rick stepped between them, trying get Shane to back off.

"I don't care what you believe!" Hershel was fed up with Shane's accusations at this point and so was I.

"Everybody just calm down, please." Rick was still doing his best to try to keep a fight from breaking out and I didn't know how much longer he had before someone threw a punch. I didn't question if Shane would hit an old man, I knew he would if he had an opening.

"Get him off my land!" I guess at least he wasn't throwing all of us out on our asses.

"Let me tell you something." Shane shoved passed Rick and before anyone could do anything, Maggie stepped forward, her hand made contract with his check.

"Don't touch him!" She bellowed. "Haven't you done enough?"

"I mean it. Off my land," and with that, the Greene's went inside and slowly we all parted off in different directions just as Shane started laying into Rick.

I needed to check on Carol. Slowly I made my way to the RV, I had no idea what I was going to say to her but I knew she didn't need to be alone right now.

When I walked into the RV, Daryl and Carol were just sitting in silence. Daryl looked up at me as I made my way in and slightly shook his head. I ignored him as I took a seat right next to Carol, she didn't look at me, she was just staring ahead.

Slowly, I moved my hand to her only to have her pull her had away as if it was going to hurt but that didn't stop me. Instead I quickly put both my arms around her into a hug, she struggled against me, trying get away like a wounded cat but I didn't back down. Finally, she gave in and rested her head on my shoulder as her body shook, the sobs that came out of her mouth rocked me to my core.

As far as I knew, I had lost both of my parents and that was a pain I had never imagined going through. I couldn't even imagine the pain of loosing my own child in all of this.

"Its going to be okay," I whispered to her, "I'm here, I got you."

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now