Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I was in step behind Grayson as we continued to look for Sophia but there was no signs of the poor girl. When we went out I figured we'd split up to cover more ground but that's not what happened. We stayed in a big group, one walking in front of the other one by one, eyes and ears open for Walkers.

Everyone was beginning to lose hope with each step and so was I. It was until we heard something in the distance.

"Is that?" Grayson started but he didnt say another word so I finished for him.

"Bells?" I asked softly. As the sound continued everyone raced in the possible direction that it could be coming from. I just hope we are going in the right direction and don't get turned around, possibly lost. At least I knew that with Daryl here there was no way we could get lost.

Shane had the same thought as me. "Damn it's hard to tell," but no one seemed to pick a direction. My mind zoned everything out apart from the bells trying to find a direction.

"It's that way," I called not waiting for an answer before running in that direction. I was never the fastest so many had passed me by. The only ones by my sides were the woman, Carl, and for whatever reason Daryl was jogging beside me.

It was obvious that he was faster than me and yet here he was next to me. I couldn't help but peak up at him, my eyes locked on his amazing jawline. It was hard to admit but he was attractive. Since Grayson and I's first night I had admired Daryl's beauty from afar. Studying how his body moved, his responses, actions. Anything that would give me insight to who this redneck was.

He seemed to be doing the same as I. I knew this because I had met those beautiful blue eyes more times than I can count. I left my cloud and put myself back into my body. No. There is no way he could be thinking about me the way I think of him.

You were new and he was keeping a good eye on you, I argued with myself but didn't dare breathe a word out loud.

We made it to a opening in the trees where a church was shining at us. We all came to a stop for a split second, thinking, wondering if this could possibly be the right church.

"That can't be it. Got no steeple, no bells. Rick," Shane said, ready to give up but Rick wasn't having it. He started running and everyone followed his lead. We made it to the front doors, everyone suddenly cautious of what could be on the otherside of the doors.

Daryl left my side, joining Rick and Shane as the opened the door. Three Walkers sat in the pews as if they were waiting for the service to start. When the doors were completely open they took notice of our presence and rose to their feet. The men jumped into action and before anyone could blink the Walkers were dead.

"Sophia!" Rick screamed opening up a door near the doors we came in.

"Yo, J. C. , you taking requests?" Daryl questioned the man on the cross at the front of the church. I let out a soft laugh without thinking about it making him look back at me. A small smile played across his lips as he turned his head away.

"I'm telling you, it's the wrong church. It's got no steeple, Rick. There's no steeple," as Shane argued with Rick the bells started going off again. There was no way we're at the wrong church. We all stumbled over ourselves to get out the door coming to the side.

"It's on a fucking timer," I hissed harshly as I walked away from everyone. I had to keep a cool head, there was still a chance that she heard the bells, that she'd come running and find us all here.

"Luce, you okay?" Grayson asked following me from the group. With all the anger boiling up inside me... I knew soon I was going to blow up.

"None of your damn business," I growled putting vemon in my voice to get him to leave me alone. He did the exact opposite.

"Luce, come on, what's up?" He persisted, I knew he meant well but my brain wasn't listening to the voice in the back of my head.

"Oh nothing, I guess I exist again don't I?" I asked sarcastically, putting full out anger in my voice in an attempt to hurt him.

"What are you talking about?" He demanded, hurt clearly in his voice but it didn't extinguish the burning inside of me.

"You haven't said a single word to me since we joined this group! It's like I disappeared and you don't care! I put my neck on the line to keep us safe this whole time and this is how you repay me? Just forget I exist again, it makes my life much easier." I snapped walking past him, making sure our shoulders hit. He was caught off guard by my outburst and couldn't think of a single thing to say to stop me from walking away.

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