Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The days that followed I felt like one of the dead. I had been sleeping in the RV during all times of the day, I couldn't bring myself to leave and face anyone. The only people I have seen are Dale and Carol, both of them checking in on me, bringing me food they knew I wouldn't eat. Lori even checked in once, she told me Shane wouldn't bother me anymore. I didn't believe her.

"Walker. Walker!" One minute I was alseep, next I was woken up by Andrea screaming. I threw myself onto my feet, rushing out the RV.

"Just the one?!" Someone shouted as a whole group ran past. I had to make a quick choice, follow or stay behind?

"I bet I can nail it from here," Andrea said with an unspoken smirk. Dale tried to tell her not to as the others went after it. I grabbed my ax and followed close behind. I quickly caught up to the group, ready to nail the walker. Only to be surprised when we got closer to it.

"Is that Daryl?" Glenn asked almost stumbling over his words. Daryl looked at each of us, his eyes lingering on me for a split second before turning to Rick.

"That's the third time you've pointed that thing at my head. You gonna pull the trigger or what?" He grunted just as a gun went off, and Daryl went down. As he fell my heart dropped down to my stomach as fear flooded through me

"No! No! No!" Rick screamed

"Rick!" Some screamed from the house, I think it was Lori.

"What on earth's going on out here?" Hershel demanded but no one answered him. As Rick leaned down to help Daryl, he raised his hand up running his fingers against the wound.

"I was kidding," he was barely able to whisper as his eyes closed. They got him to his feet just and Dale and Andrea came running towards us. My eyes went right to Andrea as anger filled my whole body.

"Lucy, not now," Rick said harshly as he watched my body stiffen at her approaching. He was right. Now was not to the time to confront her on her stupidity.

"Oh my God. Oh my God, is he dead?" She said when she got closer. Her voice along sent another wave of anger through my veins.

"Unconscious. You just grazed him," Rick told her, just as annoyed with her as everyone else was. But no one was as furious with her as I was.

"But look at him," Glenn said. "What the hell happened? He's wearing ears," he confermed what all of us already saw. Rick looked down at the neckless if ears, ripping them off of Daryl's neck.

"Let's keep that to ourselves," he said shoving them into his shirt.

"Guys, isn't this Sophia's?" T-Dog asked making all of us come to a halt. I didn't want to see what he held but I needed to know. I looked over my shoulder and saw a doll that Sophia had when she ran off from the highway. For a split second, I had hope.

Lucy (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now