Chapter 1:High Point Prep

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Valencia's pov

Fuck school

I shouldn't be forced to come here against my own will. It's complete bullshit. I am 21 my mother shouldn't be able to force me to come here but here I am.

Fucking Highpoint Prep.

What boarding school does college classes too? Do they not think that people don't have a life? I dropped out of college for a reason I didn't want to be in school anymore. That didn't last long. "Encia you know this would go a lot faster if you helped" Dad says picking up one of the boxes and putting it on the trolley cart.

"Sorry I spaced out" I tell him getting the bins from inside putting them on top of eachother. "You know mom's the one who wanted me here shouldn't she be the one helping? I am here against my will" Sante laughs and dad just shakes his head.

"You don't need to be in any more trouble, Encia let's bring this inside so we can get your dorming assignment. '' We continue to put the boxes on two trolleys before the car is empty. We bring it inside waiting in the line full of people checking in. I tie my hair up and take my sweater off.

Do these people not believe in air conditioning? "You should have dressed more modestly" Mom spits at me looking at my outfit in disapproval. It's a white crop top and ripped black jeans. Shit next time I'll come in lingerie and shorts that don't cover my ass. "Guila, she looks fine. It's clothing she's not selling her body" Dad comes to my defense.

We make it to the front of the line. The lady in the front says that I'm in room 1115. It'll be easy to remember my birthday on 11/15. We take the elevator and go all the way down the long hallways. My dorm is in the hallway of a dead end. Only 5 dorms are here.

All the other hallways have much more dorms. Maybe sizing is different. I open the door with my room key and see a huge room on the other side. It's like a one bedroom apartment. Since when did boarding schools get so fancy? Well they were alway fancy but you know, good rooms.

Maybe it isn't like the movies. This is Hogwarts we're speaking about. "I hope you like your room, you can thank your father for that. I was going to put you in a regular dorm with a twin bed and a roommate. He wanted you to be comfortable" Mom says, looking around the room.

"Thank you dad I appreciate it a lot" I tell him he brushes me off. I start to open boxes that are labeled clothes taking them out. They are all folded. I just put them into the drawers neatly. Sante puts my shoes in the closet. I don't really care for them.

There are some people if it's not color coded they'll flip. I couldn't be like that, I'd go crazy. Mom just sits in the living room acting like she has nothing to do. For someone who wanted me gone she sure knew how to sit around and not do what she wanted.

"Come on Valencia can do this later we have to talk with the headmasters" Mom pulls dad and Sante from helping me. "Put on a full shirt Valencia" I huff grabbing the first shirt I see. I follow behind them as we go across the campus to another castle-like building.

What the hell is with all this stuff? I notice everyone already has their clicks. I'm fine being alone. I like being alone. That way I don't have to worry about getting hurt in the end. I feel someone staring at me. I turn my head seeing his blue eyes looking at me. Or shall I say my body. His jet black hair is a neat mess.

He looks at me with a smile. He has a nice smile. Why is he walking this way? No no no turn around pretty boy. Wrong way. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you look lost, do you need help?" He says to mom who looks up at him. He has an accent, maybe russian. "Yes were trying to find the headmasters office"

"It's right this way and no one calls Principal De Santis headmaster. We aren't in Hogwarts ma'am" I've been saying that since we got here. He's definitely russian. He leads us into a building going into the elevator. A few more people join us inside making the space a little more tight.

"Enica move your fat ass down" Sante whispers. I groan moving over trying not to trip on my feet. "Careful there sweetheart we don't want you to fall on your first day now" The russian says holding my hips I feel a light blush go to my face. I fucking hate you Sante.

Finally it's our floor. The russian leads the way just barging into the office. From the looks of it, it's not his first time here. "De Santis I brought a new girl for you. Wait, that sounded wrong. There is a new family" The principal just shakes his head motioning for us to sit down. "Thank you Vadik i'll talk to security about giving you your off campus hours back" So he is Russian.

"Thanks De Santis i'll see you later" Vadik runs out closing the door behind him. They must be close to have such an informal relationship. I sit down in the chair next to dad who looks over this whole day. I don't blame him. Mom hands Principal De Santis my file and he looks over it.

"For starters welcome to Highpoint Prep. I see here you have quite the record, it's nothing we can't deal with. Your grades are amazing, top of the class in high school. I don't expect anything but good things from you but we are all human we all make mistakes. There are privileges that every student earns. Most students love our off campus policy. That is when the student is allowed to go off campus after or before school hours. We also reward students with different options but that is our most popular one. We are a uniform school so while you are attending classes you are expected to wear our uniform. Each time you do not you will be sent to my office and that is another infraction. You can be put on kitchen duty or volunteer work. You are free to roam the campus how you please. In your boarding house there is a full blown kitchen in the basement. It's always stocked with food and anything you might need. Are there any questions?" Principal De Santis says I shake my head no.

Mom starts going on and on about how I like to sneak out and there needs to be an eye on me at all times. "I can assure you Mrs.D'Angelo she can not sneak out of campus" Mom still doesn't look satisfied but dad tells her it's enough.

"Uniform pick up is on the first floor" I nod as we leave his office going back into the elevator. I put my headphones on while going through my playlist. Once we get to the first floor we turn the corner going into the uniform shop. "Hello, may I ask who the student is?" Mom points me out.

They bring me to the back, giving me a different uniform to try on. I fix the plaid skirt going out of the dressing room. Sante burst out laughing with tears falling down his face. "Shit Valencia, you look like a little girl. Awe dad holds her hand again maybe she'll turn into a 5 year old" I flip him off dad stiffles back his laughter.

"The uniform looks fine, go change Valencia so I can pay for it" I groan, changing back to my original clothing keeping the t-shirt in my hand. I meet them at the counter, mom rolling her eyes when she sees my crop top. "Everything is in the bag. Thank you for shopping" I take the two bags holding them.

This sucks balls.

We start walking back to my dorming house before mom stops. "Honey the car is right here, Valencia can find her way back" I let out a deep breath. "Goodbye sweetie don't cause trouble" Mom says giving me a fake hug.

"Bye Encia, i'll see you soon, don't worry. If anything call me, I'll come and get you. Alright princess? I love you" Dad hugs me tightly. I hug him back just as tight. I'm going to miss him.

"I won't say don't cause trouble because you are trouble but I'm going to miss you a lot Encia." Sante hugs me. I have never been without my brother, now I have to. This is unfair. "I'm going to miss you too Sante" He lets out a light laugh.

"Love you idiot"

"Love you more" I watch them walk to the car before going to the dorming house. I go into the elevator hitting my floor. I didn't see anyone else besides me moving into this floor. Maybe they are in a different dorming house. God the more I say that the more it sounds like I'm in Hogwarts.

I open my door, dropping my uniform at the door. I still have more than half of my boxes to unpack thanks to mom.

I hate my life.


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